(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Scorpio Astrological Forecast for May 2023

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21): May is a time of rebirth for you as your spring “plantings” bring new growth to your environment. You have stepped into a new World and now the newness is rooting you in very different and strange soil. There can be total changes to deal with, and changes are not your cup of tea unless it’s by your freedom to choose. Pluto takes you to the core of your very self. You may be surprised at your own insights about who you really need to be. There can be a few days around mid-month that will require changes to your income or personal image that can align you to the proper path where you belong. Don’t let a partner decide that for you. Your needs are so complex that you may not find anyone who understands them the way you know them to be. Your awareness of who you really are will guide you for many years to come. The old ways are gasoline powered, but now you need more electrical power to deal with the unexpected. You will be in a super-charged learning and sharing time period as long as Pluto resides in the Sign of Aquarius. Next month Pluto will move back into Capricorn, which is a more familiar and comfortable place. That will be like a brief reprieve until January when it goes back into Aquarius to stay for 20 years. You will need personal shock absorbers, but you will be able to find peace at home as you learn more about who you are and the power to cope with that awareness. From June to January, you have the opportunity to finish or correct any incomplete factors that you are leaving behind. Many of the Scorps will also be moving to a new home during these hectic 20 years.

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