(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Sagittarius Astrological Forecast for May 2023

SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/20): Details, details. Your life is soon to be flooded with the little things in life when Jupiter moves into Taurus on the 16th. The Archer Sign is great at looking to the future and you have a grasp on the big picture at all times. You see the symbolic meaning of occurrences that present themselves to you. However, you are likely to overlook the small details that can overwhelm your circuitry. The 4th can be a good example of what can happen when you get caught up in too much of anything without watching for the pesky, tiny details that can derail your train. That isn’t a literal train derailment because you are likely to be drawn to travel by rail this year. It’s a good way to travel as you gain knowledge along the way. You may feel somewhat dejected by an ending that happens around the 17th. This is related to Jupiter changing Signs the day before that. LIfe can feel heavier until you do the required work to clear away any obstacles. Health matters can be resolved during this year of Jupiter’s transit through the Sign of Taurus. Don’t be afraid, but be sure to check on any growth you may notice on your neck or in your throat. You will have luck on your side if you catch problems early and seek treatment. There could also be minor issues with your digestive tract, but these problems, if they even occur, can easily be corrected because they will be spotted before any damage can be done. Just go in for a check up or two during the next year. Follow your natural intuition, especially from the 16th-22nd. While Jupiter is in Taurus, you are instructed to take care of your physical body. Optimism, alone, is no cure for lingering health issues. Don’t fear the things that can be easily corrected. Details are your nemesis, but you will find yourself working with issues that require patience and perseverance over the next year. Seriousness replaces the carefree existence you have enjoyed for several months. The change will do you good.


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