(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Pisces Astrological Forecast for May 2023

PISCES (2/19-3/20): Your Sign represents the end of a cycle. You may not always be a perfect spiritual being, but you are closer to one than most of us. We begin the cycle of life with a self-focused developement as shown by the symbology of Aries. Life evolves to a place where we realize our connection to all that is. It’s a merging and loss of ego with the Universe. While you exist physically on the Earth, there is a general trait of self-denial that can make life a lot more difficult. It seems like the natural thing to do. Many of the Fish Clan do learn to accept the pampering of an aesthetic life with great material comfort. That is part of believing, being nice to yourself, and manifesting or attracting physical pleasures. Often your spiritual destiny is pushed aside by attracting the wrong kind of pleasures. Pisceans are prone to escapism through drugs or drinking or anything which takes their mind away from harsh realities. It’s almost understandable that your reality can be overwhelming without a break, sometimes. On some level, you are a testimony to our ultimate spiritual evolution. When you think about it, this can be a source of pride for you, or it can feel like a burden of responsibility to the human race. The events that go on in your daily life are actually minor blips to your true essence. When Venus squares Neptune on the 4th, it falls under the rays of the full Moon 24 hours later. This can be a bad turn in a romance, or just a depressed feeling for no particular reason. It borders on a traumatic shock because of the added energy and light that gets shined on the effect. A change of philosophical outlook can put this matter in a better perspective. Mars comes along on the 15th to boost your energy and get you out of a slump. Strangely, men play a more important role than women around this mid-month aspect. Neptune will not leave your Sign for another 2 years. It sticks around as a protector of sorts. It keeps you in touch with yourself, which has not always been the case during your life. It’s really a time to grow in knowing who you are and how you best fit into the World. You don’t like to be pigeon-holed. You want to flow freely through life like a river washing over bedrock. You bring joy to those around you when your river is not polluted. It can be a dirty World, but don’t let it muddy your waters for long at a time.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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