(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Gemini Astrological Forecast for May 2023

GEMINI (5/21-6/21): The Twins have an almost perfectly divided month of May. The first two weeks have a retrograde Mercury and the final 2 1/2 weeks have Mercury moving forward in its apparent motion. This affords the Twin Sign a chance to be both of its personalities. You can be the quiet, studious type for the first 2 weeks as you show that you can focus on a matter intensely to accomplish what you need to get done. This state of mind could carry over to the weekend of the 19th-21st when the Moon gets to your Sign. Mars also enters your 3rd House of Leo on the morning of the 20th. This is not the case for your natal chart, which can be 12 different Signs rising, but in general there is some validity if we assume you have Gemini Rising as a starting influence on a basic level. Having your chart done professionally is the true way to find your actual Rising Sign. This is also the best way to time the actual events in your busy life. So, by using what is known as your Solar Chart, we can see the general influences from the perspective of a birth at sunrise. The Sun plays the role of a beginning point this month as Mercury merges with it to inspire you with hope for the coming month of May. Pay attention to possibilities during this first fortnight (14 days) because these events will come again over the 2nd half of May. So, starting with a full charge of Solar energy on the 1st, you are well-readied for the duality of this month. The only obstacle could arise during and after the Lunar Eclipse on the 5th. This will not be visible from America, but there is still a noticeable effect for a few days. For you, this could have a minor impact on your health. There could be some changes that you can make to unfinished projects you may have neglected. This can be a break from the intense focus you are putting into your other plans. Those plans seem to open like a lotus flower as you finish the retrograde phase of Mercury on the 14th. The 12th is a day of satisfaction as your plans reach an apex of preparedness and you feel ready to impliment your vision. From the 12th-19th, you are ready for construction, or the application of your brilliance. This is a time to reap the treasure you have found in the depths of your own mind. Your hunches appear to be valid, so now you can turn a thought into the dream you seek. This has been a great opportunity to be alone while you put everything into motion. Next month you can stand in the spotlight to receive the accolades you have earned.

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