(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for May 2023

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): The “water” that the Water Bearers symbolically pour upon the Earth for others does not make you a Water Sign. Aquarius is the 3rd Air Sign. Air is about communication, and the water is representative of knowledge that shows your way of doing for others. As a humanitarian Sign, the water is your way of helping others who need your advice. Some people are already submerged in water, so they may resent your dumping more than they can swallow, or swim in. Your Sign Ruler is Uranus. It has been stuck in a Sign that constrains your freedom. It’s been there for 4 years, already, with another 3 years to go. For some reason, it keeps you focused on domestic issues, so there are fewer Aquarians out in public than we usually see. That’s ok. You are building a strong base to operate from. Once Uranus moves into Gemini in 3 years you will be well-grounded with your thoughts and speeches. You will be unchained from the restraints of home and family troubles. You will have a strong foundation that others can relate to rather than rolling their eyes at your futuristic ideas. Meanwhile, you can sit and learn what the World changes are all about. Your thoughts and ideas will be well developed by the time you get to the lighter element of Gemini. There is a light at the end of this tunnel and it’s not an oncoming train. It will be more like a spotlight that will heighten your appeal to the masses, or at least the friends you reach out to with your guidance. The full Moon of the 5th is likely to bring a dramatic change to your life work or your standing in the World. Keep a low profile for a few months because this is a long term influence that can keep you at the end of the line. The Sun moves to an annual conjunction with your planet on the 9th. This will feel like AAA coming to pull you out of the mud where you may feel stuck. There are other muddy traps along your road, so proceed carefully. Some good news also arrives on the 26th as life handles you with velvet gloves. Fine dining and pleasant company could make you wonder what’s going on. Try not to question a time of pleasure and love. It might feel odd, but it is meant to give hope.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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