(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Libra Astrological Forecast for February 2020

LIBRA (9/23-10/22: There can be places to live that are like a scene from a movie. Somehow, Librans can reproduce that atmosphere in their homes. Light and airy is your style, which is also how you move. Your sweet tooth is as strong an influence to your health as your karma is to this lifetime. Balance is your keyword. So, health matters are a concern until after mid-month. That’s when the Sun lights your way to social and loving times. You’ve been revved up for this since the 9th, and now, you can see where you’re going. Though you would be wise to weigh the facts, you tend to let love tip the scales. The month starts with a chance to make big changes to your methods of income. Your goals are changing too. Seek wise counsel if you can’t decide on a direction. This month is fortunate for you, in that you can rely on a partner’s advice until the 23rd. Then they could flip out with their guidance. If it seems like too much, too soon, it probably is. The 23rd tends to over-inflate everyone’s plans. So, there is the danger that your failure to go along with the partner, can bring an ending to a bad relationship. The 28th will provide the battlefield to resolve or dissolve matters. Don’t back down just because someone is louder than you. The Librans tend to give in to more aggressive types for the sake of peace and calm. Is it better to laugh now, but to cry later? That makes as much sense as a seeing-eye dog with rabies. Discord throws your Scales off balance, but you can bark back to prevent future bads.


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