(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Astrological Forecast for March 2019


Aquarius (1/20-2/18): A new world is coming into view, this month. You have already had a sneak preview last year when Uranus stepped into this new set of circumstances. Like a reconnaissance mission, Uranus drew back the curtain to your next 7 years. Armed with this intelligence, you are almost ready for the upcoming changes as Uranus moves into Taurus on the 6th. There is some ground work to do as you tear down those structures in your life which serve you poorly. The next 7 years will ground you in a materialistic point of view. This will absorb you in a goal of securing your future. Many of your Sign will make surprising changes of residence during these years to come. Home conditions and a need for identity are the main motivators for this change. Home ownership fits your inner needs at this time. This need has been building for a few months. Now, the opportunity presents itself. You feel a need to own a piece of the planet because there are core issues to discover by doing this. A certain person may oppose this idea from the start of March, but they will understand your need by month’s end. The Moon phases this month are designed to shape your ambitions. The New Moon of the 6th brings financial possibilities to aid your dreams and it builds to the Full Moon of the 20th to change and boost your personal philosophy as you study and travel. Your electric nature will find a ground wire to keep you channeled safely to your goals.


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