(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Virgo Astrological Forecast for October 2020

Virgo (8/23-9/22): Life’s a breeze for the first 2 weeks of October. Then Mercury goes retrograde as if to pull you back to reality. The Virgins of the Zodiac are very deep-minded as those closest to them are aware. As Mercury has moved into your Solar 3rd house, it activates that heavy-mindedness. Then Mercury will turn retrograde on the 13th. This will open a trap door on your path, and you fall even deeper to a world of mish mashed reality. Hopefully, this break from the so-called real world can be just the drug you need. On the 12th, watch for romance to leap out in front of you. There is a great deal of power and meaning to any such encounter. That’s because of a stationary Mercury, as it slows to a stop before appearing to move backwards. Flashbacks are bound to occur near the 19th as you are drawn into a stroll down memory lane, as they call it. Happy times with friends is a good focus for reminiscing. On the 27th, Mercury brings your focus to many other types of relationships and recent acquaintances. There could be legal matters from the past to deal with. This seems to be a monetary dispute. You are vulnerable to a sore throat from your need for social interaction. You may want to limit your aplomb to glom from the 27th of October until the 11th of November, when your immune system is at a disadvantage. You find that this month reveals how interesting life can be




Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Virgo Astrological Forecast for September 2020

Virgo (8/23-9/22): Health concerns are always on the Virgo mind. That doesn’t mean they always follow strict diet guidelines. There has to be flexibility in everything and everybody to fit the needs of Virgo. Work is the only area of discipline where you can accept strict parameters. During the Virgo part of September, you are most likely to display your true nature. With your birthday, you feel that the world is the way you like it to be. As the month opens, you have fond memories of how things used to be. You long for landmarks that no longer exist, as the 3rd/4th unfolds. The 4th brings out your sense of beauty and romance. It’s a change that doesn’t occur often. It can be as shocking to others as seeing your librarian in a bikini. Not that you dress like a librarian, no, Virgos are very stylish with their style. Mercury leads you into higher studies, left uncompleted in years of yore, when it aligns with Uranus on the 12th. It can also be a day of reconnecting with longtime friends. Avoid all liquids on the 18th…or at least be careful with fluids. There are the old words of wisdom: “It’s better to sit quietly among others and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”. This wisdom applies from the 20th-24th. Otherwise, your logic and common sense offer the best solution to any problem. I think we need to clone more Virgos to keep things right. Hopefully, your advice will be heeded when we start to restore our world, again. We can expect 90% normalcy with 10% oddity, and rising oceans.




Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Virgo Astrological Forecast for August 2020

Virgo (8/23-9/22): Put on your track shoes! It’s another very busy month. There seems to be more to the activity than your usual preparing for winter routine. The month starts with you in a deep and serious state of mind. You may have already begun to isolate over the last 10 days, and the month opens with this deep emotional heaviness. You may stir up some hidden fears and father issues. Don’t overlook the happy thoughts and memories which are there too. The Full Moon on the 3rd is a good time to get festive with some of those golden memories. The 4th begins half a month of searching your brain to find what makes sense. Don’t let any car trouble sadden your journey to the inner workings of your mind. An upset occurs on the 10th as a trusted friend can become a pain. Beware of creating bad gossip unless you just don’t give a darn. From the 14th-18th, you will need to make adjustments if you want to “fit in” and find certain ideals. Surprisingly, Mars manages to keep your libido at a high level. Mars also puts your energy toward making plans for changes as there comes an impulse to make new beginnings as part of a transformation process within yourself. It will feel like a relief as Mercury speeds along into your Sign on the 19th. You are almost done with slogging through the recesses of your mind. A smile is sighted on your face. The brain fog is lifting as you rediscover lessons from the past that once filled you with purpose and vitality. The 25th-29th is like that. It would be good to carry these happy, idealistic, and romantic times in the forefront of your mind.




Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Virgo Astrological Forecast for June 2020

Virgo (8/23-9/22): Mercury has you in a sensitive emotional state of mind, this month. You become occupied with domestic concerns, caregiving, friendships, and achieving a specific goal. Just one of those activities would be plenty for most people, but, as a Virgo, you will always take on whatever needs doing. There is still time to dream, or a time to yearn for the emotional sharing of love gone by. This can be the perfect month to rekindle old flames and missing friendships. It remains to be seen if one person can handle so much in one month, but if any Sign can, it’s a Virgo. When Mercury turns retrograde on the 17th, you will want to curl up on the couch with a box of chocolate. The past won’t leave you alone to relax enough. Mercury has a two-sided effect, so you get the bad with the good, most times. It’s possible that someone you met on the Full Moon of the 5th, will reappear on the 30th to bring you out into the sunlight as the month ends with a smile on your face.




Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Virgo Astrological Forecast for May 2020

Virgo (8/23-9/22): You are an Earth Sign who deals with matters of health, work, service, and details. These are areas which fall under the dominion of Virgo. They are fields of interest where you are the best. It seems that the Wuhan Virus is an area of deep concern for you. This monster seems to be passing and the Earth is moving further away from a contaminated section of the zodiac. We still might refrain from games like Twister, for now. An embrace and a shared sigh of relief seems necessary as we emerge from our caves, only slightly traumatized. Many practical Virgins have used their isolation to further their education with home studies. The problem areas are found in relationships, which have been shaken like dice in Reno. I learned years ago that too much togetherness can be maddening, but those who make it through will either run screaming into the forest, or they will develop a new closeness and respect, which may have never happened without Corona. Your month of May is so filled with activity that it is impossible to discuss it completely in this column. You can expect to be excessively involved in a flurry of business and personal matters, all month long. Don’t make promises during the first 10 days because you could very likely change your mind, after that. The New Moon of the 22nd can be a strain on long term relationships. It can also do damage to your spotless reputation. Rest when you can, this month!




Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Virgo Astrological Forecast for April 2020

Virgo (8/23-9/22): Be ready to work fast and furious this month. Mercury is scurrying around to catch up on those things which had to be put on hold, as of late. Your Sign rules health matters, among other things, but you cannot be blamed for Covid 19. You can only be blamed for the common cold. JK. So, health matters have a spark of hope on the 3rd as good medical news arrives. Caution will continue to be the best practice as we should ease back into normal social behavior by May. Try to curb your enthusiasm until then. You will make great progress by alternate forms of communications as you discover near the Full Moon of the 7th. The 11th opens the doors to love, but physical contact is not absolutely safe, yet. Words of love are safe. It will be good to contact people by internet, though action is compelling on the 18th. You may need to chain your desires to a wall for the best outcome. The 25th will bring the consequences to any ill-advised decisions you made earlier this month. The final week can bring problems with work and health matters. Pluto has brought endings to some chronic health problems for many Virgoans, but now Mercury is stirring up what you have overcome. The same with your work. You must remember what led to problems in the past, and steer clear of those obstructions. If you are good, the Universe will reward you with some excitement on the final day of April.







Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You