(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Taurus Astrological Forecast for March 2020

 TAURUS (4/20-5/20): Your ruling planet is Venus. Venus rules your Sign, but not you, directly. Venus is stubborn, but not demeaning. It helps you to find peace and harmony when you listen to that need. Currently, Venus is ending a month-long stay in your Solar 12th house of Aries. On the 4th, She moves into Taurus. Suddenly, the Sun seems to shine on your life, again. The last 30 days have been a time of withdrawal and isolation. It has been a time to benefit from self-questioning. It has been a time to really examine your perspective on life, and to make personal changes to help you feel more accepted by others. You are invigorated the first 8 days as you are pulled from the mud after a mishap on the 3rd. You may even regain some lost friends to fire you up on the 8th. The wrong-minded friends will leave this month, but you will attract the good ones to take their place. You will be moving toward an ideal, which can be realized by the 22nd. Those who stand with you, will follow your successes with great achievements of their own. March will most likely see you becoming as happy as a lamb in clover as the month draws to a close. The 28th has an incredible piece of good fortune that will transform your outlook. New pastures with no fences find the Bulls grazing happily after a long cold winter.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Taurus Astrological Forecast for February 2020

 TAURUS (4/20-5/20): Life is coming back into focus this month after a recent trip to a fantasy land. Under the right conditions, that place can be found in your own neighborhood. The recent experience of this nature was most likely a thing of perfection, but don’t cross into the negative side of that experience. This can be a real test of character on the 9th, or sooner. The best part of your trip to la la land, comes from the ability to combine these images with reality the way someone else has, but better. So, there are happenings of a deep nature before the 9th arrives. On the 2nd, while the fog is still clearing, you feel the depth of love you have, or could have, with a partner. This is from breaking up a log jam in the creative part of your brain. The 3rd is great for planning and building. The construction can be on a relationship that might need repairs. Hopefully, this can be easier than that. Your tendency may be to isolate after the 7th. There is serious thinking to be done. Stay close to home because long journeys can be an impulse that leads to big problems, near the 23rd. Some very dark issues within your subconscious, on the 28th, are so powerful as to affect your physical world as losses. Next month looks better.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Taurus Astrological Forecast for January 2020

 TAURUS (4/20-5/20): The self-protective instinct and natural caution of the Bull will have you keeping your head down as we all get shaken up by this month’s events. The Earth has to be the Sign of Taurus. What other Sign could it be? It’s even said, in religious circles, to be ruled by a creature with horns. Taureans are very much in touch with the Earth. Even their walk seems to plant each foot securely to the ground. So, if the stellar events bring physical changes around you, it will lead to a wise and philosophical Bovine. When others lose their “reference point”, you will be the rock to mark their path. You are always the one to know what will work on the physical plane. The 15th brings someone to help you with a problem. This can be the start of a beautiful friendship. There are many pieces to a puzzle this month. You will figure it out. With 7 planets plus the Sun piled into a small part of the sky’s arc, there is a terrible imbalance to our worlds. Then we mix in an Eclipse of the Moon on the 10th, plus Saturn aligning with Pluto, on the 12th. Lots of physical problems, there, so standby Bull Sign people. Keep a shovel in your vehicle. Some newer buildings are dangerous because of a lax building code of the last few years. Earthquakes are meant to wake us up to what we are doing to the Earth, which as a living entity spews forth it’s anger in the form of lava. Pet the Earth. She’s been a good girl.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Taurus Astrological Forecast for September 2019


TAURUS (4/20-5/20): There are fun-filled opportunities all around you to start the month, but there seems to be a lot of work with problems to overcome. The 1st should be a gleeful day, but even with the laughter, it may feel odd in some way. Maybe, part of you knows there could be difficulties waiting close at hand. The 1st is not a day to accomplish a great deal. It’s a good day to think about how your father has affected your outlook on life. That can be good or bad, but mainly it helps to realize his impact on your life. The 2nd can be too much of a good thing. Spend wisely and sparingly, that day. There is some confusion caused by a friend on the 4th. It’s a mess you will want to avoid. All Taureans need a good fantasy, occasionally. The 6th could be one of those times as you tend to dream of far-away places. Finally, the 13th brings you back to situations at hand. During the Full Moon that day, you will want to have a good sense of reason. During the next day, Venus rolls into Libra, which is your House of Health. Any medical issues will begin to clear up over the next 30 days. The 2nd half of September is much smoother. Passion begins to build to an explosive point by the 28th. You may also notice that there are matters from the past, which require your attention. This will have been a month of great creativity with a touch of romance. Less work may get done, but now you begin to roll up the sleeves and put-on the work gloves. October will be smoother and less stress in your work.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Taurus Astrological Forecast for August 2019


TAURUS (4/20-5/20): A situation at work can be so irritating until you tackle it head on, as the month gets underway. This is a 2 day battle just to get your blood boiling. After such a horrible work experience, you may want to seek shelter at home until the 23rd. There is a purpose to being at home this first 3 weeks of the month. It’s not even dreadful to be there. The 8th-11th are 4 golden days of happiness. Good fortune and joy rains down. However, in a general forecast like this, there will always be about 10% of Bulls who have personal charts in contradiction to the usual chart of a Taurean, for example. In those cases a private reading may be called for. For others, there may be more alignment to the cosmic messages of the stars. With Uranus as your new house guest for the next 7 years, you will have to deal with the radical changes in both your inner and outer worlds. Uranus in Taurus is bound to have some good points as well. For one, you will be able to handle the radical changes. Uranus will also bring knowledge to use with all the different tasks before you. Friends may not be so predictable, but they will show up when needed most, over the next 7 years. As for this month, the 13th finds you in favor with any superiors at work. Celebrities cross your path like deer at full speed. What does it all mean?  Probably, not much…mostly fun. Having escaped from the house, there is a flurry of work on the 24th, 25th, and 26th. It goes well. You will be the smoother of the rough spots. The 30th could bring a new romance. Your work is going well as the month ends. You find creativity there.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Taurus Astrological Forecast for June 2019

 TAURUS (4/20-5/20): The refined nature of a Taurean is one side of your character. The other side can have you down in the mud to do what has to be done. It’s admirable to watch how your Sign interacts with the material world. You touch and handle your possessions in such a perfect way. You are tuned in to the physicality of the Earth. In the grand scheme of evolution, Taurus is the next stage after the Big Bang, the solidification of solid matter from fire and energy. You blend well with the Earth. Venus will move into Gemini on the 8th. This can activate your earning potential. This is a good time to add a second source of income as your need for security is a good motivator for you. There is a bad investment possibility near the 23rd. Deception could be at hand. Once that day clears, money matters resume to normalcy. You have a need to be more involved with your career goals, or becoming who you want to be seen as. You always want to present a good image. That will be your demeanor for the summer. It can bring good results. There is a chance to take short trips by the water, this summer. This will be a calming necessity.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You