(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Pisces Astrological Forecast for September 2020

PISCES (2/19-3/20): During the Virgo part of September, the Pisceans tend to become available to catch. Finding or improving a partner becomes important as winter is not far away. It’s only natural to have someone to rely on through the cold and barren season to come. You could just suffer silently, as usual, but to share yourself, openly, with another is a true path to bliss. Two people can do 3 times as much as one, alone. So, the partnership subject grows more into your consciousness and reaches a peak on the 11th. It doesn’t have to be anything more than a fantasy, because fantasies are real things, too. The Fish Clan knows what I mean. Your Sign shows 2 fish swimming in opposite directions. It symbolizes the cycle of gains and losses, the completion of earth cycles, the hidden forces of the Universe, and confusion about reality. I see the symbol as a powerful saw blade, which can cut through the fabric of space and time, if so required. The 18th can get confusing from a communication breakdown. There could be a sitcom skit as this day gets tangled up a little. The 22nd, and after, brings an end to something meaningful to you. Those emotional connections can sometimes limit our life course. Certain objects, if not all objects, you keep around, have a way of defining who you are. The 23rd can be a good day to understand that any losses are meant to help you to let go of certain connections that have held you back. The month is not so bad if you can bend to the winds of change.



Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Pisces Astrological Forecast for August 2020

PISCES (2/19-3/20): Neptune spends it’s 2nd month in a retrograde state. That tends to dull the World with a darker film of reality. Neptune rules our aesthetics, fantasies, higher love, and our intuitive faculties. These are not highly functioning benefits to living, at this time. The physical reality of our life is definitely right up front and in our face. Your Sign rules medicine, but is more attuned to natural medicines and treatments. Currently, there is a chance to defeat Corona 19 with a man-made vaccine. I believe it can weaken our constitutions and ultimately affect our  longevity. Of course, Corona 19 can shorten our lives even more drastically. It’s taking a chance, but normally, healthy people can survive and build their immunity to it by not taking the vaccine.  I hope it’s a choice and not a dictate. At any rate, the day-to-day life of The Fish goes on. The mundane becomes the main thing. The 12th is an energetic change that brings an ending of different matters to different Fish. You may find a bright spot to your month, that day, by an occult involvement. Your plans for the 15th may need some adjusting. Don’t take chances with your health on that 15th. There could be an unfortunate contact with a virus that you could carry for 2 weeks until it manifests near month’s end. Don’t fear it, just avoid all possibilities. You will also benefit from some natural preventative measures on the 27th. That discovery combines with a romantic escapade to benefit your health on every level. Neptune being retrograde is OK if you stop wandering in a fog and just sit down to meditate, or think about why things are the way they are. Epiphanies can result from your reflective times. A 2nd chance to grab onto an ideal comes back around when Neptune is retrograde. This time you will see the gold at your feet as you gaze hypnotically into a beautiful sunset. Watch for the unseen value, all around.



Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Pisces Astrological Forecast for June 2020

PISCES (2/19-3/20): Life can feel a bit rough, sometimes. Your sensitive nature must learn that a mild shock is not an electrocution. Yet, symbolically, there are times when you can get hit by a tidal wave while blissfully floating in a swimming pool. The odds are in your favor, of course, in a situation like that. Paradoxically, I would advise extreme caution during any water activities, or travel from the 11th-13th. There are perils at sea, but it could manifest as a small injury on a personal level for the Fish people. Try to finish any business affairs and/or self-improvement projects before the 22nd (MDT). That’s when Neptune turns retrograde for 5 months. Actually, self-improvement can work even better when Neptune is retrograde. It works better alone, since groups will tend to be difficult to attend every time. This can be a time for gaining self-knowledge as you have access to psychic awareness of those with whom you deal. Your upgraded intuitive radar will help you to spot deception or shady dealings from others. Only charm and possible romantic fantasies can be used to jam your radar. Neptune watches over you. Like an octopus, you can disappear in a cloud of ink when you have to. Live long and swim deep. You can expect a change at work from the Lunar Eclipse of the 5th. Someone may attempt to assassinate your character, but your virtue shines through. There is another eclipse on the 21st. It represents a change to your romantic involvements. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. If there is no relationship, it promises to start one, soon. If in a relationship, it clears away a problem and makes things better between you. In the worst case scenario it can end a romance. Just swim on upstream if that happens. You may believe that life is an illusion, but work with it, anyway.



Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Pisces Astrological Forecast for May 2020

PISCES (2/19-3/20): You may feel an inner rumbling as the month begins. Something is ready to burst forth like a volcano from a calm sea. You are ready to burst out of the “isolation for all” program. Though, paradoxically, The Fish Sign tends to prefer isolation, much of the time. As the 13th draws closer, you can no longer take it. It’s not fair! You want to swim free like all the other fish out there. Hopefully, this “house arrest” situation will have ended, or it will end by May 15th. Still, there is the fact that your co-ruling planet, Jupiter, will bring delays when it turns retrograde on the 14th. It can make it tough to regain our full sense of freedom as we move out into the world again. It’s like going free, but wearing an ankle monitor, because Saturn goes retrograde too. You will most likely be back to your normal work schedule shortly after the 7th. The Full Moon of that day will bring a more promising future to the work at home Pisceans. Since you have a natural prudent nature as a Pisces, you may choose to wait as long as June 5th to start back to work if you work away from home.  A former lover could reappear on the 20th, or thereabouts. Choose your words carefully on the 22nd. The final week lightens up a little, making this an interesting month with only some romantic patching needed.



Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Pisces Astrological Forecast for April 2020

PISCES (2/19-3/20):  Fantasies come and fantasies go. That seems to be the story of the Pisceans. If a fantasy keeps you afloat this month, then it can be like a liferaft in your sea of sorrow. You are having things a little better than most people while Neptune remains in your Sign. As your lucky planet, Neptune can find aesthetic beauty in the worst of Worlds. In a barren desert, it can show you the beauty of a solitary plant in bloom. Your mind is a fine place to be, especially on the 3rd. Perhaps, you can plan a getaway to the ocean or a delicate mountain stream when we are no longer under home detention. Jupiter is the ancient ruler of your Sign, and it aligns with Pluto on the 4th. This is the biggest aspect of April as certain fears within you can be conquered with courage on your part. You may take on a new idealism to increase your income. Certain elements of your life will have to end to fully benefit from the change. Mostly, you have the oars to power where you go, this month. You could just drift, but there are certain karmic requirements for all of us at this time. You have the blessing to be who you really are and have others enchanted by that. When things get rough for all of us by mid-month, you can be like an oasis of refuge for others. A sweetness, which we all need, will shine from your mesmerizing eyes. You have the ability to dissolve the harshness of the World without suffering too much yourself. You can help others to believe that all will be fine if we care more for each other. Empathy can be like a warm campfire on a chilly night. You are the warm, healing waters for the World.  It’s not an easy job, but you are the best at it. Blessings are your compensation.



Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Pisces Astrological Forecast for March 2020

PISCES (2/19-3/20): When the sea gets turbulent, or the rivers start to flood, The Fish dive deeper to calmer waters. There it all calms down and you are free to swim to perfect places for the month of March. The 8th can warm your waters and add a sparkle to your eyes. You might receive a recognition that can lead to a leadership role by mid-month. Most Pisceans would rather lead from behind the scenes, but some are meant to show their amazing eyes to the world. You have a non-threatening manner that most people adore. You are kind because you are sensitive to others. On the 14th, there is an excitement from the energy around you. That resonates with your own inner vitality for a couple of days leading up to the 14th. This can be a situation where a friendship could magically change to one with benefits. By the 22nd, that new way of relating can become a full blown springtime love match. This can literally be a sea change to your life.  Some of the Fish population will be lost in a different kind of bliss where they feel strong and drawn by their passions to just be away from it all. You may feel like rowing to Hawaii, and making it there, to a place like paradise, while the rest of the world fights their battles. This is a great month for virtually all the Fish. Avoid the nets, or break free if you can.



Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You