(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Leo Astrological Forecast for April 2022


LEO (7/23-8/22): April usually lifts the spirits of most Lions. There is a stirring of activity as the Sun warms the land and brings hope for achieving your higher hopes for all mankind. It is sad that some people forget that we are spirits living in a physical World. We are not simply our bodies, which require constant maintenance. Pleasure seeking is fine as we need to avoid the painful situations we can get drawn into. The Leonians have a natural tendency toward religion if they can find a positive way to live from that. The pageantry of the Catholic Church and the drama seen in the oration of Protestant Churches are natural attractions to the dynamic needs of your Sign. Hope for the future is your shield to get through the muck of living, sometimes. Your optimism gives courage to many who have lost their joi de vive. On the 2nd day of April, you will own the soapbox if you choose to give your message to others. Your words and ideas can bring about a constructive relationship with another on the 12th. You actually have a chance to make people look at what they are building for themselves. On the 12th, you may be completing or beginning a project that makes sense to the masses. By working in a group, there is likely to be some results of a humanitarian nature that can be led by your happy face. There could be a crisis to resolve on the 18th. This will clear the way to working on your personal efforts to secure your future. From the 19th onward, you may find yourself working for a better life for those without a good one. Your popularity grows as more people see the ideals for which you stand. This can all take place while you are simply going about your business as usual. There is great support for your ideas, so don’t get lost in your career while others are waiting to hear and see what you will be doing next.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Leo Astrological Forecast for March 2022


LEO (7/23-8/22): The energies of the Leo Sign are receiving a boost from favorable planetary alignments throughout the entire month of March. This is a good time for charitable work as the New Moon on the 2nd would indicate. That’s the angelic influence of this month, but there is also a “devilish” temptation to satisfy any physical yearnings. That could be through active sports, or other enjoyable physical activities. The cats are on the prowl. The 1st of the month sees you in the company of a partner, or someone who could become a partner. Friendship should be established first, but your desire level is high, so who wants to judge you for being human? A World in turmoil doesn’t have to dim your candle. You can march forth on the 5th without a weapon to impose your will and ego on others. That day will be one of great positivity and possible celebration while others like Putin see it as a chance to do grand things to match his grand ego. This is a good month to explore the psychic world along with having a well-tuned psychic ability. Your intuition may have the right answer while logic could fail you. An example of this could occur on the 13th as your ongoing passions are stirred once more. Love looks real and for the moment it will be. You are like a solar flare about to burst forth from the Sun as the 18th arrives like a box of dynamite. Firstly, it’s a full Moon that will affect your earning capacity and help your energy level rise to the challenge of doing the work. Secondly, the Sun forms a good angle to Pluto, which releases the power of nuclear devices to use your core strength to effect the changes you want. A strong healing method can bring relief to any annoying health problems. This aspect creates a vision of a natural treatment that comes from the root of a plant. You can check with a knowledgeable herbalist for that one. So, you have this power to bring changes, along with a great passion and some occult interests as you gather your crop of greenback dollars this month. This all leads you into a philosophical frame of mind that starts on the 20th. The Truth is your ally and it is to be defended by your terrible swift sword. I think you will enjoy this month of action and progress that the Universe has prepared for you.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Leo Astrological Forecast for February 2022


LEO (7/23-8/22): The cold of winter begins to ease and your heart beats joyfully at the thought of that. Winter tries to thwart your happy glow, but it would take a ton of winters to do that. This is always a time of year to focus on your relationship to everything outside of yourself. How do you relate to the people you see, or a tree, or the path you have taken? You are an example of how a healthy person needs to be with the world. Your optimism exceeds the bounds of caution, at times. You always seem to land on your feet. You deserve that protection from the Universe. You’re the driver, though. The 4th is a day of significance in some way. Someone close to you may need cheering up. It can be a hard day at work to finish things up before the weekend. The Full Moon on the 16th, and night before, surrounds you in a shimmering, golden light and creates a stress-free weekend. Time spent with a partner can be fun and theatrical with a nice touch of elegance. Life becomes more mysterious on the 18th. Some spiritual experiences will stir you on an emotional level. It will be too confusing to define what you could experience. It will be better to simply express your feelings about matters. The full Moon on the 16th makes it easier to show emotions as the Moon affords that. The 18th takes you deeper into this emotional swamp, which is filled by the tears of sadness. That doesn’t mean your tears, but you have great empathy for those who shed them. Answers can be found in occult studies, but most Leos seem to fear other supernatural places besides their own religious beliefs. This next 30 days of Pisces is also a time of heightened arousal. Any lustful actions must always pass through the disinfectant properties of the Leo Sun. You are about “love”, so now is your time to show it.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Leo Astrological Forecast for January 2022


LEO (7/23-8/22): 

The Sun shines only in the daytime, or so it appears. On Mars the length of a day is almost identical to an Earth day. It’s possible that ancient civilizations would feel at ease by the commerce travel between Mars and Earth. You could get your 8 hours of sleep on either planet. Just musing about those times. January may bring that same kind of thinking to your own head as the year begins. It seems that many of us have scrambled brains after 2 years of fighting the Covid War. It doesn’t take an I.E.D. to cause brain damage. So, after a weird start to 2022, you are somewhat assuaged by a loving connection on the 8th. This could be a meaningful reunion with a close friend from the past. This uplifting energy keeps you aloft for a few days. The 10th can be very romantic or creative. There seems to be a force that leads to an emotionally intense and passionate day on the 16th with the full Moon kicking in even more stimulation for your mind on the 17th. The Sign of Leo rules love and romance, and this month is bringing a whole truck load to your empty warehouse. It’s about time we get some excitement into the Lion’s den. So, normally January is a real yawner for you, but this year it feels like the circus has come to town and they’re setting up in your front yard. Be sure to take care of old business on the 23rd. There could be a sudden upset to your love train on the 30th. You could feel grateful to see the dark side of someone before you get too involved. If married it’s just a “red alert” for another difficult matter to argue about. Opinionated people need love too.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Leo Astrological Forecast for November 2021


LEO (7/23-8/22): 

The days grow shorter and the Sun’s heat heats less. You find yourself at home or involved with domestic matters for the first 3 weeks of November. Then the fun kicks in. Before that time, there comes a new Moon in Scorpio. In many cases, this can be a heaviness, which goes against your nature. You may choose to stay home more because there is this dark energy to deal with. It seems like nature’s way to make you stay home and make things better there. It’s a time of year to shine your light into the darkness. You do that a lot already. Stay strong in order to deal with other people having a hard time being normal. This likelihood will build until the 19th with the full Moon. The 12th is a nice day that can restore your sense of beauty and/or love. A certain social attraction can keep things going all that weekend. Obviously, there can be some regret on the 15th from overdoing it. That will be a hard day dealing with the erratic and unexpected. The 16th can be a passion that would be a positive experience. The Lunar Eclipse on the 19th occurs at 2:00 am MST. That can be scary for patrons coming out of a bar at closing time. If you have a career, this eclipse will attract a change, loss, or ending to that area of your life. The Sun comes out from the clouds on the 21st as it moves into the sign of Sagittarius. You made it through 30 days of Scorpio, whew! The rest of the month fits your nature almost perfectly. Thanksgiving fits your idea of living in beauty. Be ready to occupy the spotlight that day. It’s never too bright for a Leo. An evening call or text on the 28th should be a positive thing. The 29th is jam packed with high energy and overloaded with communications. There could be a cooperative tendency with your friends on a planning of a building project as the month draws to a close. Let the good times roll!

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Leo Astrological Forecast for October 2021


LEO (7/23-8/22): 

The Sun turns down the heat after a summer of baking the Earth. It’s a time of ending the growing season and allowing nature to encapsulate it’s life force in a seed form. The same is true for animal life. Our seed form is our soul that leaves the body but carries with it all the essentials of never ending life. For the Leos in October, there is a New Moon on the 6th that brings life to your ideas. You begin to feel more talkative and communicative as a chill fills the nighttime. It seems only appropriate that as the Sun grows weaker, you would want to speak about the things you’ve learned this year. It’s ok to put on a show of pride. You always do it with great optimism and a touch of humor, so no one minds hearing you talk. The 6th adds a touch of nostalgia to the New Moon as a retrograde Uranus gets added to the blend. This could be perfect to have a 90’s party, or earlier. Written words are of interest this month as a long-sought Truth is brought to light. A myth is shattered, but none of this has to deter the Lions from their happy trails. The 8th is active and fun. Athletic events are likely to be an amazing sight and adventure fills your mind. Impulsiveness rules the day. The 9th has you thinking back as you plan for the future. The 13th is not so pretty unless you make it that way. The 15th is a highly fun day as Jupiter slows to a stop in the sky from our perspective in the Earth’s orbit. That should be a great happiness magnifier for the entire weekend. You may even see more smiles on your partner’s face. Try to remain aware of your words and actions because the 17th could bring the consequences. Generally, the joy continues in your life as the Full Moon on the 20th brings good fortune without effort on your part. Academic success is likely on this Moon. Travel is likely for some of the Lions and this would be a good time to do it. The energy shifts as the Scorpio month begins on the 23rd. The heaviness can drive you indoors, which is where you need to focus more of your energy for 30 days. The challenge is to not let this lead to depression when the Sun squares Saturn on the 30th. There is more negativity, but your light can disperse much of it.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You