(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for November 2022

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): The Aquarians are usually the most unpredictable Sign because of their erratic way of handling situations. It just so happens that your Sign Ruler, Uranus, has been in a stuck routine for a few years. The Stars want you to slow down and develop this solid routine that others can depend on. You are less likely to change any plan a dozen times before even canceling at the end. Your speech is less shocking. The way you dress may have become a little more on the conservative side. Of course the real Aquarian is bound to emerge unexpectedly from time to time. Even a wild horse will thrash around after being roped and captured. We see an example of your rebellious nature right at the start of August. Perhaps you are ready to change your medical beliefs. You may find a natural treatment that will actually treat the illness and not just cover the symptoms. This change becomes more necessary as the Full Moon approaches on the 11th. It’s probably best to follow your Doctor’s advice. I just think it’s sad that they aren’t educated on natural cures. They will be in the future because these artificial cures they prescribe are coming to a terminal point, where none of it will be effective. On the 16th, you are likely to hear some life-changing information on this subject. Uranus goes retrograde on the 24th. That will calm your nerves a lot, even if a lover’s spat tries to disturb your new-found peace of mind. The future looks bright when Uranus gets to Gemini. Your brilliance will shine and people will respect you in their social circles, which you will be invited into. You can look at the next 4 years as a reconstruction time as you make changes in who you are. You are in a cocoon, but when you emerge, you will be in flight to the delight of everyone’s sight. Meanwhile, stay grounded as you go through this metamorphosis.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for October 2022

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): Your Sign Ruler, Uranus, stays retrograde until next January. You will need some kind of “safety valve” to release pressure until then. You are likely to have an accumulated wealth, but your thoughts of freedom may lead you into a spending frenzy. Just say no to yourself most of that impulsive time. There are some core issues that cannot be ignored by your habit of bouncing off walls. Uranus wants you to dig into your deep self and clean out the blockages that may have formed there. There will be retrograde phases of Uranus over the next 3 ½ years when you will have these core issues to resolve. You may also find some hidden qualities about yourself that you didn’t know were a part of who you are. So, you do have this opportunity to truly know yourself. This is a great source of power for you. It is an ultimate achievement we can attain while here on Earth. Class is in session.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for September 2022

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): To those who much is given, much is expected. Many corporations moan and groan about taxes, but they fail to acknowledge that they are fortunate to have a business in America where Democracy has provided them the means to acquire much more than they would have in any other country. Paying taxes on money earned is a reason to be grateful. For Aquarians it’s not the money as much as the social happiness that comes from achieving ideals and having numerous friendships. These are areas of life where much has been given to you. That means much is expected on a humanitarian level. Giving your time and friendship is your way to show gratitude for the happiness you feel. Some of the Water Bearers don’t have a multitude of friends, but they tend to have one or a few permanent close alliances. That’s important for those times when the unexpected knocks you for a loop. You would think that your Sign could handle the radical occurrences, since your life is filled with weird events. You may have had a past lifetime where you were so organized that not much was a shock or surprise. Now, you are being asked to deal with unusual happenings in order to expand your ability to expand your mind. The Full Moon on the 10th opens your creative mind to find new ways to enhance your income. Uranus is just a few days into its retrograde motion. That puts progress on hold for a few months, but by using your expanded consciousness, you can attract your basic security needs and manifest your social desires. You are naturally positive-minded and that is what it takes to visualize your desires. The day after the Full Moon shows as assistance that comes from an influential person. They will lift you from your recent battles and reassure you with their kindness and generosity. Give thanks. That is all that’s expected of you. This could be a very good day if you are open to it. You have another nice day on the 20th as a form of love fills your life and gives you hope for the future. There could be an LTR from a potential, or actual person, in your life. During the final week of September, you can expect some endings as new beginnings materialize before your very eyes. Like a monkey in a tree, you have to let go of one branch to grab another one. This is a time of internal discovery as you swing along.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for August 2022

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): The Aquarians are usually the most unpredictable Sign because of their erratic way of handling situations. It just so happens that your Sign Ruler, Uranus, has been in a stuck routine for a few years. The Stars want you to slow down and develop this solid routine that others can depend on. You are less likely to change any plan a dozen times before even canceling at the end. Your speech is less shocking. The way you dress may have become a little more on the conservative side. Of course the real Aquarian is bound to emerge unexpectedly from time to time. Even a wild horse will thrash around after being roped and captured. We see an example of your rebellious nature right at the start of August. Perhaps you are ready to change your medical beliefs. You may find a natural treatment that will actually treat the illness and not just cover the symptoms. This change becomes more necessary as the Full Moon approaches on the 11th. It’s probably best to follow your Doctor’s advice. I just think it’s sad that they aren’t educated on natural cures. They will be in the future because these artificial cures they prescribe are coming to a terminal point, where none of it will be effective. On the 16th, you are likely to hear some life-changing information on this subject. Uranus goes retrograde on the 24th. That will calm your nerves a lot, even if a lover’s spat tries to disturb your new-found peace of mind. The future looks bright when Uranus gets to Gemini. Your brilliance will shine and people will respect you in their social circles, which you will be invited into. You can look at the next 4 years as a reconstruction time as you make changes in who you are. You are in a cocoon, but when you emerge, you will be in flight to the delight of everyone’s sight. Meanwhile, stay grounded as you go through this metamorphosis.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for June 2022

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): You catch a bit of a break this month because Saturn will go retrograde in your Sign on the 4th. This means you are less restricted in your movements concerning your personal matters, but still slowed by Uranus in the Sign of Taurus. Uranus allows you to work slow and steady on your home chores. It’s like trying to walk around with a playful 3 year old clinging to your leg. It’s slow progress, but you can slog along with a smile if you can see the humor in it all. You are normally the most wired up person that anyone may meet, but you no longer bounce freely off the walls. A strong focus on your tasks can take away the fun, but you can celebrate the actual completion of matters at hand. The Universe seems to be slowing you down, and that probably allows other people to catch up to where you are. You are asked by stellar circumstances to deal with the physicallity of the world in a steady, productive way. You can’t open and throw a bucket of paint on a wall. You actually need to do your prep work and use a brush or roller. It’s so much easier to try a quicker, more ideal way, but this is a time to be real with all the physical requirements before you. Patience is required. Try that for a change. A new philosophy could emerge from all the mundane slow downs. This could be a good month to travel, but not if you’re running from chores at home. The 11th is a day of peace, love, and happiness in the midst of your aggravations. You have become more appreciative of the joy that comes from close contact with others. The desire for human touch becomes more of a necessity. This could mean a redefining of what friends are for. The Full Moon on the 14th lights your idealistic nature, but it also brings friends to help you find a mate. The New Moon on the 28th is a good time to begin a new diet regime, with the intention of healing your body where needed. We are what we eat. To be healthy, eat healthy. We think we can handle the chemical additives to our commercial foods, but those ingredients get stuck and build up in our tissues. See an herbalist/nutritionist to discuss your physical problems and they may be able to help you find natural dietary solutions. It’s amazing that different foods help with particular areas of our bodily health. Stop accumulating chemicals and you will feel better.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for May 2022

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): Like a car stuck in the mud is how it feels sometimes with your Sign Ruler, Uranus, struggling to get through the earthy reality of Taurus. You prefer to replace some of the ugly parts of reality with your ideals. If you can afford that, it can improve your life. The only problem is that the country doesn’t have a budget to do that for everyone. So, there are times when you would rather isolate with your garden, or a good book. Mars adds energy to an area where you feel thwarted. The 4th and 5th are excellent days for your physical prowess. You may feel inspired by a “champion” and his or her accomplishments. That could be just what you needed to overcome a challenge. It may bring a joyful event like AAA showing up quickly to tow you out of the mud. You are back on solid ground, but there are still some steep hills to climb. You have time to finish home repairs, so take a break for fun when you can. If you are dealing with a heavy burden, it will be lightened or lifted this year. Saturn will leave your Sign for 25 years, in March of next year. No more lifting heavy sacks from the salt mines like our Bataan heroes had to do in Japan, 80 years ago. The survivors were remarkable people and you will be made into a very strong survivor, yourself. It seems like the Universe had it timed out to ground you a little, or a lot. The stars want you to work on more practical goals. Sure, all things are said to be possible, but some of your ideals could take 200 years or more to come about. You tend to live in the future like a time traveler. The future could bring paradise to the Earth and that would fit your ideals. It may not happen until every country appoints a secret committee to kill their leader if he starts a war. I can only hope. Meanwhile, be stubborn and plod on through the slow-downs as you gather the skills to deal with this world.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You