(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Taurus Astrological Forecast for April 2021

TAURUS (4/20-5/20):

The Aries part of April is usually a somber time for the Bovines. On the 19th the Sun enters the Sign of Taurus. This can be the beginning of your success if you have done your homework over the past 30 days. Having a foundation defines the parameters of your goals. That comes from making plans and gathering more materials to give you that base to build from. The 5th and 6th bring a choice from the Taurean menu. You can benefit from a lucrative idea or vision, or you may choose to sample a little love and romance. Your dark days of late could benefit from the latter choice. Either occurence will bring greater happiness by the 10th. That will go along with an unfolding of the heart and mind. That calls for a celebration! The 11th brings an obstacle to your desires. Pouring honey on an issue might only create a stickier mess. The 13th says to spend some money for the good of your mind. The 15th/16th has an issue to challenge your sense of right and wrong. The 17th will show how that plays out. The Taurus month begins on the 19th, which turns on a lightbulb in your head. You are enticed to come out of your shelter by a need to move about in the World. Earth Day is perfect for the Sign of Taurus as the Earth was literally formed from the massive energy of the Aries Big Bang. Energy turned into matter. During the final 8 days of April you will want to travel more to visit friends and family.  As the month ends, you will have seen the main elements of the Taurean realm, already. Your well-grounded logic can help people get through the “la la land” euphoria of the spring season. 


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Aries Astrological Forecast for April 2021

ARIES (3/21-4/20):

April starts with a sense of humor as many fools are made. It’s fun and survivable if it happens to you. Seldom is there a loss of friendship if the victim can laugh. Then tax day arrives later and outside of your Sign this time. Usually, it is a serious time that works to ground your fiery nature. Taurus does rule money, so it can work better there, this year. Easter fits the spiritual nature of Aries. The Easter Bunny fits too, because he or she represents the fun/childish part of Aries. Wars can start and people feel more aggressive during Aries. It’s all ego related. What doesn’t get resolved during the Aries part of the month, is likely to become a vendetta during the Taurus part of April and 3 weeks of May. The first 10 days of April finds you taking many short trips as you have places to go and people to see. Romance is part of your route on the 5th and 6th, but you may feel victimized by lies and deception on the 9th. Be a good, defensive driver that day as there can be several impaired drivers. The 11th-22nd is your time for running around, but the 23rd has you grounded. Your attention turns to the home as Mars moves into the Sign of your home. Your energy could be directed to helping those without a home.Your Sign represents a hopeful new beginning for everyone and the nation’s economy. Yet, there will be strife until peace settles in on the 22nd. That brings this time of helping the homeless, or taking care of your own home concerns. When summer arrives, she will be wearing a smile, and little else. Until then, you will be able to get a lot done for self, or others. 




Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Astrological Forecasts for March 2021

March 21st – April 20th

April 20th – May 20th

May 21st – June 21st

June 21st – July 22nd

July 22nd – August 23rd

August 23rd – September 23rd

September 23rd – October 23rd

October 23rd – November 22nd

November 22nd – December 21st

December 21st – January 20th

January 20th – February 18th

February 18th – March 20th

Pisces Astrological Forecast for March 2021

PISCES (2/19-3/20):

Let the dream continue for the Fish Sign hydros. Life is but a dream this month despite the weirdness all around in various places. It’s like everyone has something to say before they explode. Angry words can be prevented with ear plugs. This is supposed to be your time of bliss, there’s nothing to miss. The Sun aligns with your ruling planet, Neptune, on the 10th. That usually brings good health, high energy, creativeness, and great beauty to your world. Beauty comes in many forms. Get used to it because the New Moon on the 13th has Venus chiming in with some more peace and love. That will be a trend that can sweep you into the heart of spring. The Full Moon arrives on Palm Sunday with just enough twilight for couples to walk hand in hand outdoors. This can be a time when great speeches are given. Rulings can be handed down on the 29th/30th to give solidity to the Truth. You are stirred and relieved to see the American system working to help all the people. The Pisceans will begin to notice more and more people filtering into their world this year. Enjoy the peace you find this month, and try not to get too distracted from your earning abilities after the 20th. There is this bubbling up, happiness that fills your day during work and play. Slowly, a virus is dissolved as the Earth revolves to a better day, but a different way than we’ve lived before. Enjoy your oasis of bliss, this month. 




Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for March 2021

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18):

The true purpose of Aquarians is to stir the pot of life. It may seem, lately, like the stew is getting thicker and harder to stir. There are several planets, which are passing or have passed through your Sign. Though you love groups, by nature, the influx has created some discomfort from your routines. The problem may be that you can’t get away from it, either. Hopefully, you will enjoy the changes with laughter. The 3rd of March is very positive. Words of love fill your ears while your income fills your wallet. And it’s all done as softly as down feathers. Then the 4th arrives. There may be those speaking loudly for a misguided cause, while others suffer in silence. There are those who want to classify people by color like the stratem in rocks. Different levels of the same rock. Most of the Water Bearer Sign have an open attitude to matters of race, though some can become opinionated. Just know that bigotry doesn’t make you stronger, it only makes you wronger. The New Moon arrives on the 13th with a bag of goodies for you. There are aspects of this 30 day start, which add energy to your earning ability. Money could flow like manna from above. There always seems to be an alternate choice besides money. Love can flow like honey. Knowing Aquarians, I would expect them to go for the money, but keep a friendship. As the Aries month begins on the 20th, you find yourself actively involved with banking matters. Signing papers and changing servers may consume your time. It’s an interesting and different kind of month for you. Don’t be the boulder in the stream that rafters get stuck on. Go more with the flow to see where it takes you. 




Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You