(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Libra Astrological Forecast for April 2022

LIBRA (9/23-10/22: As Venus (your Sign Ruler) struggles to exit the Sign of Aquarius, you may feel exhausted from dealing with poor romance in the World. People seem afraid to even touch these creatures of the opposite sex. Single people emerging from 2 years of isolation may not be sure of their steps. They may come across oddly until they sort out and throw away the garbage thoughts that have affected their outlook on society and relationships. At least marrieds had someone to isolate with. Those couples who held their relationship together without a divorce or murder may be closer than ever. The stress of a month of Aquarian energy comes to an end on the 5th as Venus enters Pisces. Venus is exalted in Pisces. You may feel exalted in this more compatible Sign, on a romantic level. Your health issues could become more of a concern without the benefits of some very nice occurrences this month. Romance goes well as you float through the sweetness of life. Your health can suffer without a positive love connection to keep your system balanced. The full Moon is in your Sign on the 16th. That can be strongly felt by those Librans born on the final 10 days of Libra. It will be a good thing for most of the Scales People. As an intellectual Sign, you will find plenty of brain stimulation on the 17th and 18th. Love letters arrive. That fills your need for dates and data. You seek permanence in love as Saturn holds you down until you say, “Unkle”. You are normally a master flirt, but these days, you are less casual with your encounters. There are days when you can recapture the old you. On the 30th, there is a minor Solar Eclipse unless you live near the South Pole. It would be a strong influence or message for the Antarcticans. There can be a loss, but that brings a joyful new beginning to your life. I don’t know if there can be too much joy, but this month ending combination of stellar events will answer that question. The sadness, for some of a loss, calls for due acknowledgement. Then it’s back to the celebrating!

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Virgo Astrological Forecast for April 2022

Virgo (8/23-9/22):  There seems to be a great opportunity to replace what hasn’t been working in your life with some very constructive successes this month. Your energy is solar charged on the 2nd as Mercury aligns with the Sun. This can make you stubborn enough to get through the dynamic endings you may be confronted with as the month begins. There are many situations, which are working to slow your progress and these elements must be removed from your life as far more enabling matters are available to you. The 7th is good to establish a new foundation for yourself to use a platform to bring positive changes around you. The 8th can be a battle of sorts, but you can easily outwit your opponents in the long run. You are able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, as the saying goes. Even if you feel powerless against the power of another, you will easily regain your power as Mercury moves into the compatible Sign of Taurus on the 10th. You will feel re-supplied with what you need because you are able to manifest whatever may be lacking to fulfill your dreams. You find the beauty of your land by clearing away the brush and over-growth. For some Virgins, this may be literally true if you have real brush to clear. For others, it is simply a clearing of things which are not useful to your progress at this time. The 17th is a beautiful day for such razing. The 18th adds excitement to new beginnings, which present themselves as an unexpected opportunity. The 24th makes any changes a bit challenging, but you will see how great beauty can arise from the new vistas you have gingerly entered. You are supported by good fortune and a solid philosophy for the final week of April. There can be great advances by legislation as forces for change and uplifting of those in need fits your ideals for a caring and helpful society. You are seated near the power this month and you are, as always, the real power behind the throne. There is amazing happiness that can be found with a relationship, as well as your social involvements. Your involvement is critical.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Leo Astrological Forecast for April 2022


LEO (7/23-8/22): April usually lifts the spirits of most Lions. There is a stirring of activity as the Sun warms the land and brings hope for achieving your higher hopes for all mankind. It is sad that some people forget that we are spirits living in a physical World. We are not simply our bodies, which require constant maintenance. Pleasure seeking is fine as we need to avoid the painful situations we can get drawn into. The Leonians have a natural tendency toward religion if they can find a positive way to live from that. The pageantry of the Catholic Church and the drama seen in the oration of Protestant Churches are natural attractions to the dynamic needs of your Sign. Hope for the future is your shield to get through the muck of living, sometimes. Your optimism gives courage to many who have lost their joi de vive. On the 2nd day of April, you will own the soapbox if you choose to give your message to others. Your words and ideas can bring about a constructive relationship with another on the 12th. You actually have a chance to make people look at what they are building for themselves. On the 12th, you may be completing or beginning a project that makes sense to the masses. By working in a group, there is likely to be some results of a humanitarian nature that can be led by your happy face. There could be a crisis to resolve on the 18th. This will clear the way to working on your personal efforts to secure your future. From the 19th onward, you may find yourself working for a better life for those without a good one. Your popularity grows as more people see the ideals for which you stand. This can all take place while you are simply going about your business as usual. There is great support for your ideas, so don’t get lost in your career while others are waiting to hear and see what you will be doing next.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Cancer Astrological Forecast for April 2022

CANCER (6/22-7/22): The New Moon in Aries starts early on the 1st of April. It’s not a foolish start to the month, but you could easily make a fool of yourself by some uncoordinated goof-up. This Moon represents a time of finishing a cycle related to your work efforts. You are at a good place to “let it ride”. The carnival is over and now it’s time to dismantle everything, pack it up, and get ready to start a new cycle around your birthday, this year, and every year. As of late, you are taking on the robe of a saint. At least your mind is tuned to a higher place, even if some habits are still hard to break. A spiritual gift occurs this month, most likely on the 12th. This can be a very romantic time for the good Crabs…you know who you are! There is an abundance of good energy that encircles all Crabs this month. You find yourself absorbed with an interest in other countries and cultures. Ukraine has become a trending concern and interest for most Americans. Your interest is not just a trend. It touches on the deepest of your thoughts. Your empathy would bring most to tears. It may feel like you need to take some action to make things better for the downtrodden and you probably could find a good place to put your efforts. This is a very strong force on the 14th. That urge will continue for 6 weeks after the 14th. The Full Moon happens on the 16th at 12:55 MDT. Home entertainment could go perfectly for all social events. The home is a point of interest with this full Moon. The month continues to a Solar Eclipse on the 30th. This could be a time of ending long-standing structures and traditions. Cancers may suffer the loss of a friend as differences become all too obvious. Coming out of 2 years of distancing ourselves from others has caused a blip to human interactions. There needs to be a verbal acknowledgement of these times. Just as we say Gesundheit for a sneeze, maybe we could have a word for moments of social discomfort. Maybe like, “Frump!” or “Bad dog” or whatever could be standardized. Anyway, this will be a very great month of empathy and love. Our emotions will dominate our decisions, and love will steer the stars (The 5th Dimensions). There is likely to be a great downpour of rain where droughts have ruled. That goes throughout the month with the peak coming on the 12th. The 12th could be a time to honor all life. The month ends with an eclipse, which affects very little in the northern hemisphere, but it still has a message about our need to uproot what destroys our ideals.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Gemini Astrological Forecast for April 2022

GEMINI (5/21-6/21): The “Winged Messengers” have a hectic month ahead (just the way you like it). Your airy nature is filled with inspiration during the first 2 days of April. This is what launches you forward with a way to solidify your ideas. That physical possibility could actually become a new part of your surroundings by the 7th. This could be the solid attainment of one of your grandest goals. When we get what we want, there follows a time of happy anxiety that requires a higher energy output. That’s not a problem for the energetic Twins of the Zodiac. As Jupiter and Neptune move closer until they conjunct on the 12th, you will be having an awakening of your subconscious. There is a lot of stuff in there. It’s usually stuff that you may have missed an opportunity to resolve and just filed away in the “I don’t care” folder. Before this beautiful aspect, there will be an interesting day on the 8th. The abject horror of war and violence is on display that day. We may all be shocked and motivated to end the insanity from World leaders. I would hope that our alien observers could once again prevent an actual unjust attack on innocent people. Some E.T.’s are living here among us. They have jobs. They buy homes. They marry humans and send their half aliens off to school every day. I’m sure they prefer clean air and water with no radioactive areas to avoid. So, aliens, come on down, I say. Please stop any madmen from starting a nuclear disaster for the planet. The 17th can be very romantic if you can put down the monkey wrench to repair a relationship with lots of TLC. This will put you on the right path for the next day. On the 18th, your subconscious comes through again with some long-forgotten information to set you on a project completion. It’s also a good day to buy computer gear. The 24th can be frustrating if you get chained down by responsibility. You may be distracted from something more beautiful that day. Don’t worry, you can make up for your loss on the 26th, which will carry over ‘till the 28th. Those 3 days are likely to bring you out of a slump and begin a long winning streak. Use well the data you have gathered from your brain.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You