(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for June 2022

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): You catch a bit of a break this month because Saturn will go retrograde in your Sign on the 4th. This means you are less restricted in your movements concerning your personal matters, but still slowed by Uranus in the Sign of Taurus. Uranus allows you to work slow and steady on your home chores. It’s like trying to walk around with a playful 3 year old clinging to your leg. It’s slow progress, but you can slog along with a smile if you can see the humor in it all. You are normally the most wired up person that anyone may meet, but you no longer bounce freely off the walls. A strong focus on your tasks can take away the fun, but you can celebrate the actual completion of matters at hand. The Universe seems to be slowing you down, and that probably allows other people to catch up to where you are. You are asked by stellar circumstances to deal with the physicallity of the world in a steady, productive way. You can’t open and throw a bucket of paint on a wall. You actually need to do your prep work and use a brush or roller. It’s so much easier to try a quicker, more ideal way, but this is a time to be real with all the physical requirements before you. Patience is required. Try that for a change. A new philosophy could emerge from all the mundane slow downs. This could be a good month to travel, but not if you’re running from chores at home. The 11th is a day of peace, love, and happiness in the midst of your aggravations. You have become more appreciative of the joy that comes from close contact with others. The desire for human touch becomes more of a necessity. This could mean a redefining of what friends are for. The Full Moon on the 14th lights your idealistic nature, but it also brings friends to help you find a mate. The New Moon on the 28th is a good time to begin a new diet regime, with the intention of healing your body where needed. We are what we eat. To be healthy, eat healthy. We think we can handle the chemical additives to our commercial foods, but those ingredients get stuck and build up in our tissues. See an herbalist/nutritionist to discuss your physical problems and they may be able to help you find natural dietary solutions. It’s amazing that different foods help with particular areas of our bodily health. Stop accumulating chemicals and you will feel better.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Capricorn Astrological Forecast for June 2022

CAPRICORN (12/21-1/19): Saturn is the ancient Ruler of your Sign. It is also the co-ruler of the next Sign, Aquarius. This shows the lingering permanence of Capricorn as structures you build tend to last for a long time, as they carry over into the neighboring Sign. Capricorn represents the ultimate perfection of the material world of the Earth. Diamonds and other gemstones are examples of this completed perfection. Just as diamonds are forever, so too is your desire for permanence. This trait is strong within you and it causes you to ponder greatly anything which could become part of your life. Saturn has spent almost 2 years in the Sign of Aquarius, and it was about to enter the Sign of Pisces, but it goes retrograde at the threshold of Pisces. It’s hard to part with the excitement of Aquarius where Saturn works very well for you. So you get to have that fun Sign until next year. The fact that it will turn retrograde on the 4th of June means that there are some unfinished matters to complete this year. You may need to redo some of your efforts from the last 2 years. You are known as a finisher, so it will behoove you to wrap up any loose ends this year. This month, you may feel this need for completion and it causes you to withdraw from some of your activities to focus on what you need to finish. There seems to be some importance to reconciling with a friend, or two. They may have been left behind while you were pursuing your security, and now is your chance to patch things up. So, reconnecting and formulating your plans for the future become important areas to consider this year. There is likely to be an improvement in your health as a problem can be cleared with natural remedies, this month. You are such a physical person that the wrong kind of medicines can have dramatic consequences to your body. You may believe in traditional medicine, but the real traditional treatments are found before the 20th century before they were outlawed by allopathic proponents in the early 1900’s. Most man-made drugs are not compatible with the human body. That’s what side-effects are telling you. Vitamins and herbs have no side-effects and they work. I don’t get it. We need to open our eyes to living naturally. Your chance to make better choices with your health can come from someone very positive who you deal with on the 16th. There could be a romantic tif on the 18th, so be patient. Your paramour may not appreciate your work plans. Try to include them. Much of your work plans may be whatever you decide to repair or remodel at home. Your energy is best spent on domestic matters. The 28th brings the impulse and the energy surge to do the needed work there. A good month if you do the repairs and take a good look at what you need to do to bring a sense of peace to your mind. Think about what it will take to realize that before Saturn gets to Pisces next March.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Sagittarius Astrological Forecast for June 2022

SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/20): A new 12 year cycle is beginning for you as Jupiter is trying out the Sign of Aries before committing to a new course of action. Action itself is an important part of who you are. You tend to choose a course of action when you know it is the correct thing to do. You are impressed when others take action. Your dates need to be active. When married, you can become very disgruntled if your partner becomes a couch potato. Your partner is a big focus this month because of the New Moon right before June began. It highlights the social scene and could even fire up your relationship. Be ready for an energetic burst from your other half. You need that person to keep up with you this month, especially since the Full Moon on the 14th ignites the fire within you. In addition, your Ruling planet, Jupiter, has entered the Sign of Aries after a meloncholy year in the Sign of Pisces. You are as hot as a New Mexico forest fire. You are brimming with energy like a volcano about to erupt. So, action is the cure and hopefully there will be a good way to release your pent-up lava. You may want to start a new romance if single. You may want to do something new, big, and meaningful in a creative way. It is a definite time to lock up and hit the outdoors, which is a natural attraction for you. The 20th is best for any mental work that needs to be done. Your mind will be sharp and expansive in its scope. The 28th represents a new phase, of sorts in this newly begun yearly cycle. This cycle includes a new 12 year experience for you as well. You are a highly adaptable Sign, so any changes are part of your normal dealings. This is a big, new beginning so embrace it like a long lost pet returning home. Love is a nice way to top off this month. You are alive and the World can see it.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Scorpio Astrological Forecast for June 2022

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21): Pluto remains retrograde all month, which has a slowing effect on your feeling of progress. However, Mars is your other planetary ruler and it is going like gangbusters on a new course of adventure  and different experiences. You may be actively involved in an effort to build something permanent for your future. That seems to be the proper action this month. By applying yourself deligently to an objective,  you can feel elated by the completion of this project before month’s end. You may choose to do this chore to the benefit of others, which is to your own benefit in the long run. This endeavor and others are very likely to put you in the forefront of the minds of others. You may find yourself chosen to be a leader in some respect. This is a good position for you that will increase your earnings by next month. Your personal interests may be changing to an altruistic frame of mind, which is good for this time in your life. Good news arrives through a mate on the 10th. It’s nice to see how someone cares about you. You can use this information to make some alterations of your present course that will lead you to a happy place and away from an impending crisis that could happen on the 21st. You have some backers to pull you from the quicksand around that time. The 28th begins a new mindset as you seek the higher road to bring about your desires. Travel becomes more likely and a high sense of optimism becomes your new philosophy. By working to change the World this month, you will find it easier to find bliss and the fulfillment of your desires.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Libra Astrological Forecast for June 2022

LIBRA (9/23-10/22: The grace and beauty of your Sign is truly a blessing to those who bask near your influence. The month of June has some excitement and some interesting events to keep your mind working at its finest. The New Moon happens in the compatible Sign of Gemini right before the 1st. This tends to set a course for you until the next New Moon. This course is a higher road that allows you to see above the lower expressions of our relationships with others. Travel and higher minded tendencies, along with some academic interests are the routes of intrigue for you this month. You find it easier to make choices that benefit you, and reject the lesser streets that lead to a dead end. You may find yourself curiously drawn to an exploration of the occult for the first 3 weeks. This can be a perfect time to amplify your knowledge of life’s mysteries. On the 11th, and the day before, there is an incredible learning experience from this study of the paranormal. There is likely to be a spiritual experience that has a real connection to reality. On a mundane level, these 2 days can bring some unusual interactions with friends. They are not acting in their normal way. Don’t let it throw you off balance. Just expect them to be a little erratic. Any needed repairs are best accomplished on the 17th/18th time frame. The parents play an important role those 2 days. A visit with one or both of them could prove very worthwhile. It will leave you with a nice glow the next day. A change of health comes from a change in your health plan. That seems to be what is needed to clear up an aggravating issue. The 21st can bring up old memories and encounters with former lovers. They may be in a crisis, but don’t let it become your crisis. Venus enters Gemini on the 22nd. That feels better, doesn’t it? With the Sun going into Cancer about the same time, you will be fully aligned to deal with your career problems as you make things better. Let’s not forget about your main concern, love and partners. That is at its best on the 28th. A new, happy turn is occurring in that department. So, a good month with only small pot holes on your road to love, success, and a deeper understanding of life. You end the month in a well-balanced and happy condition.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You