(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Taurus Astrological Forecast for June 2023

TAURUS (4/20-5/20): You have been under an oppressive Uranus influence for more than 4 years while this planet travels through your Sign. Finally, this burden can turn into a better situation as Jupiter is coming into Taurus this month. That will add hope and positivity to lighten your load and add a good measure of happiness to your life. It will be there for the next year, but it will leave a lasting impression even after it leaves your Sign. So, the curse of Uranus will lose power over you for the remaining 3 years until it leaves your Sign. Jupiter has corrected much of the deception in politics over the past few years as it aligned with various negative planetary influences. The lies and con jobs have had less effect on voters as the Truth has triumphed. So, too will be the case for you as an honest and positive energy will replace the nervousness and bad information that has plagued you for some time. Even your computer will function better, or it will be replaced. The 2nd is a day to dream of the ideal you desire for your life. Hold that image and know that’s how things will be. You have had ideas to improve your home and as Venus moves into Leo on the 5th, you are ready to knock down some walls. If you are a renter, you may choose to move to a larger place for the sake of your inner happiness. It is a time of endings if you can let go of a bad situation. Jupiter could make some dramatic demands on you to change big parts of your daily routine. I know you hate changing your regimens, but you will like the new outlook. Don’t overdo it on the 11th. There is too much exaggeration that day. The 13th is perfect to make a few changes to established mistakes. The Universe will let you know if you are on the right track. If you are, you will see an increase to your finances on, or before, the 17th. Listen to the news and new ideas, which can bring this financial good fortune. This is the day of the New Moon in Gemini, so it becomes very important to make new financial starts. Grab onto the opportunity that shows up even if you have to give up your usual rituals. Home is where the happiness and importance will be found this month.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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