(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Libra Astrological Forecast for June 2023

LIBRA (9/23-10/22: This looks like a very good month for you. There is lots of everything, but that comes with a caution. Remember that there can be too much of a good thing, sometimes, and that could tip your Scales way out of balance. So, moderation becomes a keyword in your quest for harmony. The 2nd opens June with dreams of beauty and bliss. You can make a vow to add these qualities if they have been less than abundant, lately. Your career or life pursuits are a main focus for you as you strive to project a positive image to the world around yourself. This becomes more than a dream after the 5th as you can benefit greatly by letting yourself become absorbed in practical measures to realize those dreams. Stay above any fears of failure that could plague you on the 5th. Realize why you have those fears and correct whatever the problem was in the past. An unhappy relationship with someone outside the home can cause an overload of work for you on the 11th. The solution to that quandary can be found by changing to a new approach with those you have to deal with. There is some good advice from a secret source on the 17th. This could come in the form of a friend who shares a secret that day. So, this month has you completing what you need to do for your career concerns before the 5th. Then you are free to play outdoors with your friends for the rest of the month. That should be a relief after getting yourself established for the past two months. Enjoy a happier energy!

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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