(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Capricorn Astrological Forecast for June 2023

CAPRICORN (12/21-1/19): How do you like your life now that Saturn has moved into the watery realm of Pisces? It can feel like learning how to swim, all over again. For many, it can be some very strange waters to navigate. It’s all designed to soften your heart and open your mind to some new feelings. You seem to have more empathy for the suffering. It’s just a new movie for you to experience. There is a need for creative endeavors to satisfy your new awareness and empathy. You have always had empathy, but business usually came first, or overruled the emotions. So, the month of June starts off with a change of plans or a new direction to improve resources. That difference can cause an effect on your love life on the 13th; Maybe, it will be just a slight change of meet up time. This could be part of difficult communications that occur on the 15th. That misspoken time can cause a reversal of your progress. An easing of your workload can be a very fortunate event as you may see on the 19th. Suddenly, your luck seems to improve on a different level as you back away from some confusing conditions. There may be a reason to celebrate on the 19th and that mood can last through the rest of the month. There may be some temporary concerns about your job or business as the month ends, but you only need to be more philosophical about any slowdowns. There are some very positive ways of seeing things. Other people will be great personalities to have around you on the 28th-30th. They bring you to a positive place to end the month on.

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