Pisces Astrological Forecast for April 2023
PISCES (2/19-3/20): Neptune spends 2 more years in your Sign of the Fish. Pisces is the “home Sign” for Neptune, so it works to protect you through floods, illusions, deception, and confusion. You can handily follow your nose if you get lost. The original Ruler of your Sign was Jupiter, but it had to share the glory when Neptune was discovered in 1846. Neptune definitely fits your Sign better than Jupiter, so Jupiter becomes a co-ruler since Neptune came onboard. Jupiter still has another Sign (Sagittarius) to be the sole leader of. This month has the pleasant possibility of an all absorbing romantic involvement. While the World tries to adjust to some major changes this month, you can just float away on a cloud of love and beauty. You may read or hear of a bigger money-making opportunity. Before you leap into it, you must learn how things are different than you may have imagined. It seems like every business you might work for, is making creative changes to get a better competitive edge. Just make sure you understand what a new job will be requiring of you as an employee. You may want to stay where you are if other possibilities are vague or less than desirable to your idealism. There is a Solar Eclipse on a critical degree of Aries on the 19th. This has an effect on your income, so maybe you will feel a need to move on if your current job doesn’t meet your financial needs. It’s hard to choose what to do. Neptune the dreamer planet stays in Pisces until March of 2025. That could be a more favorable time to make any big changes with your life, but if current conditions become intolerable it would be better to seek peace and happiness somewhere else. Otherwise, there is no harm in waiting another 2 years. Meanwhile, enjoy the beauty of nature’s spring. It’s a time of year to feel hopeful for the promise of new plant life as well as your growth this year. Enjoy the scents!
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