Scorpio Astrological Forecast for March 2023
SCORPIO (10/23-11/21): Are you buckled up for the big energy shift that will affect all of us, but especially the Scorpions, this month. Pluto is finally leaving the restrictive Sign of Capricorn after 15 years of heavy responsibilities. As it enters Aquarius, it can feel like standing in a hurricane. You have the power to overcome a hurricane, but your life will be filled with much more of the unexpected and a much higher energy. One consequence could be electrical problems at home and ungrounded friends. There will be deep probing within yourself as you will seek to understand the mystery of who and what you really are at your core. So, this month is for wrapping up what needs to be completed before your personal changes begin. You may be consciously making new beginnings and that is good because they will be of your choice. Those Scorps who remain set in their old ways will have changes assigned to you by the Universe. Because you are facing a different future than you expected, it would be wise to seek advice for what you think might be coming. The best day for golden advice would be the 19th as new beginnings are the order of the day for everyone. So hold on for the ride. You need to keep a good, tight grip on the suddenness that life has in store for you. This month doesn’t seem to complicate the process, so proceed with caution, but confident in your power.
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