Leo Astrological Forecast for March 2023
LEO (7/23-8/22): It looks like an interesting month ahead for the Lion Clan. This time of year is often when you throw out what doesn’t work and replace it with new things or people. The Pisces season shows that you are kind when ending personal contacts. Lovers may come and go, but they are usually let down very gently. This culling time of year has a new philosophical attitude that gives courage and kindness as you wield your sword. Your weapon becomes more of a teaching tool as you point the way to a better outcome for others. Mostly, your relationships are friendly of a higher minded nature. This tendency is most obvious around the 6th and exists between you and your colleagues or fellow workers on the jobsite. Your psychic abilities will come in handy from the 16th-19th. An ideal circumstance on the 15th is nice for you, but it could stir anger with another at the same time. There are many different scenarios as to how this will occur. This is where wisdom is called for to keep others from losing their cool, the next day. The situation can be lightened with a deep and caring conversation on the 17th. The New Moon happens on the 21st, just as the Sun moves into Aries. The Universe strongly supports the actions that bring new beginnings for everyone. Those who are contemplating whether to make new strides, or not, will be blessed by taking the leap. Your fiery energy will carry you through and into the new change you desire. Your risk is minimal if you are doing this from a high state of mind where no one is harmed by your decisions. This new direction will match well with the results of major changes brought by Pluto changing Signs. While the World is entering new realms, you are right with it. You can support this shift in many proud ways and means.
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