Capricorn Astrological Forecast for March 2023
CAPRICORN (12/21-1/19): Peace is at hand as Saturn moves away from the hectic Sign of Aquarius and into the mind-soothing Sign of Pisces. A trip to the ocean will be part of the next 2+ years while Saturn dwells in this sea-going Sign. The full Moon on the 7th only enhances your life with the real possibility of an ocean cruise or just a walk on the beach. This could be a lucky experience for the Sea Goats. Love and beauty are elements related to a trip. When you get back, you will have these features added to your way of life at home. You learn that there is more to life than stressing about money all the time. You can learn to relax and let your fantasies give you the correct route to fulfilling your basic needs. So dream big, while feeling more at ease. You want more than a computer filled dream world. You may want to move or make big changes at home, and that is exactly what the stellar energies are conjuring up for you. When Pluto slides into Aquarius on the 23rd, it will be good to go ahead with your secret financial plans. Speculation and intuition will be your tools for the next 15 years, so take a little chance on what can bring some wealth into your life. The Universe wants this for you even if it changes a partnership, or lack thereof, into something happier and new. Love is a likely byproduct of allowing your mind to loosen up and become open to the great opportunities this month, and future months, will come to your awareness.
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