Aquarius Astrological Forecast for March 2023
AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): Do you feel the weight of the World lifting off your chest? As Saturn leaves your Sign this month, you may experience moments of weightlessness from a release of a thumb you may have been under. You are strengthened by an opportune aspect from the Sun and the full Moon on the 7th as Saturn leaves your Sign that day. This is very significant for the good life ahead after dealing with the heaviness of the past 2 ½ years. At least you have paid a large portion of your karmic debt. By looking back over your trials and tribulations, you will have a clear understanding of your life lessons. The things which caused you to feel the most restricted, can now be seen for the importance they were. Much has been a challenge, but now look at the mental muscles you have developed. Life has a way of making us stronger when we overcome our karma. You may have felt over-burdened the last couple of years, but someone wrote in the Bible that we are not given more of a load than we can deal with. Otherwise, there would be an entire planet of defeated humans. Ukraine seems like the most unbearable karma to overcome, but just imagine the powerful individuals who will emerge from the battles. You will become a tower of power, more and more, as your new future unfolds. World changes are coming this month and future months. You have been tempered like steel to withstand what lies ahead. Feel your confidence surge as you lead the way for many who feel despondent in the face of these changes. Flex your muscles, which have grown from your heavy lift. Smile as you uplift others with your new awareness of how to do that. Love and peace are the rewards at the end of March. March is no longer a hard march. Now, you can put on some flip flops and relax.
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