(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Libra Astrological Forecast for February 2023

LIBRA (9/23-10/22: The month of February looks like a good one, once you get past a little disruption with an angry person on the 4th. As a romantic Sign, you will have a wonderful Valentine’s Day. A very special romantic energy is forming on that day. You are the main beneficiary of that love vibration as Venus conjuncts Neptune in the early morning hours of the 15th. That will be felt more and more strongly on the evening of the 14th. You may not be waking up alone the next morning. This healthy event follows a long, informative understanding from a conversation on the 7th about friendship. During the Aquarius month, it is always perfect to discuss and establish a close friendship, before bonding physically. The 19th is a continuation of this passionate attraction to another. The 19th is deeply meaningful, so realize there are some very strong emotions that can make a love-glue stronger than Gorilla Glue. This could easily be the kind of relationship you’ve been dreaming of. As Venus slides into Aries on the 20th, it fits the love story that seems to be happening. Aries is your House of Partners and social involvement. It’s always nice to have a partner to sweep you into the action. It looks good unless you have planetary placements at birth which could veto the entire fantasy before it even unfolds. For 90% of Librans, this month is for partnering up. If you already have a partner, this month adds spice to your relationship. Just give your partner some good lovin’ and the bliss is bound to follow. This is the realm of reality that works best after the 20th. For singles, the whole month builds to the 20th, along with Valentine’s Day before that. This looks to be a custom-made scenario for the Librans. Peace, love, and happiness to your Sign, especially.

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