(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Taurus Astrological Forecast for November 2022

TAURUS (4/20-5/20): This looks to be a very active month for the Bovine people. So much is on your calendar that you can expect delays or cancellations, especially on the 5th as Venus opposes a retrograde Uranus on the 5th. That’s a weekend, so have another option just in case. Daylight Savings Time ends that day as we all suffer through the inconvenience and stress to our normal circadian rhythms and some upset to the Taurus’ need for predictable routines. The month of November has you dealing with the needs of others. You get swept up into the lives and times of those who need you with them. The 7th can be a rough day if you overdid the weekend. Go at your own pace. The Full Moon Eclipse arrives smack in the middle of your Sign on the 8th. It makes for an interesting Election Day as traditionalism itself is tossed to the hounds and long established wrongs are corrected by well-informed voters. Old values will be replaced with true ideals after some technical problems are resolved that evening. Friends from the past appear like ghosts to remind you of beautiful times in the past. This is a passing illusion on the 10th. Veterans Day could inspire you to take action to increase your income if you are not too wounded from the Eclipse. The 13th-15th is a beautiful time as changes bring great happiness your way. It can be a time to recapture memories to use for positive new experiences if you choose to go there. As Venus moves out of Scorpio at mid-month, it allows you to widen your horizons with broader thinking. Information begins to pour in on the 21st regarding your expansion minded efforts to make big changes. Use what you learn that day because it’s good for your future. Your friends or a friend is a blessing on the 23rd when Jupiter stops and begins to move forward against the background of the stars. Like a big diamond that seems within reach at night, your goals can be reached with the power of this good fortune. As the month ends, you will notice that with just a minimal effort there is a chance to alleviate an annoying condition that has been affecting your physical existence. Passion will get you through November. Stay positive despite the disruptions to your routines.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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