(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for November 2022

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): The Aquarians are usually the most unpredictable Sign because of their erratic way of handling situations. It just so happens that your Sign Ruler, Uranus, has been in a stuck routine for a few years. The Stars want you to slow down and develop this solid routine that others can depend on. You are less likely to change any plan a dozen times before even canceling at the end. Your speech is less shocking. The way you dress may have become a little more on the conservative side. Of course the real Aquarian is bound to emerge unexpectedly from time to time. Even a wild horse will thrash around after being roped and captured. We see an example of your rebellious nature right at the start of August. Perhaps you are ready to change your medical beliefs. You may find a natural treatment that will actually treat the illness and not just cover the symptoms. This change becomes more necessary as the Full Moon approaches on the 11th. It’s probably best to follow your Doctor’s advice. I just think it’s sad that they aren’t educated on natural cures. They will be in the future because these artificial cures they prescribe are coming to a terminal point, where none of it will be effective. On the 16th, you are likely to hear some life-changing information on this subject. Uranus goes retrograde on the 24th. That will calm your nerves a lot, even if a lover’s spat tries to disturb your new-found peace of mind. The future looks bright when Uranus gets to Gemini. Your brilliance will shine and people will respect you in their social circles, which you will be invited into. You can look at the next 4 years as a reconstruction time as you make changes in who you are. You are in a cocoon, but when you emerge, you will be in flight to the delight of everyone’s sight. Meanwhile, stay grounded as you go through this metamorphosis.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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