(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Gemini Astrological Forecast for October 2022

GEMINI (5/21-6/21): As if you don’t run enough already, now Mars has added rockets to your feet. Mars has been in your Gemini Sign since mid-August. It creates such a high nervous energy that being idle is not an option. Mercury has moved forward as the month begins. Your clear thinking nature has returned after Mercury’s retrograde spell last month. You may have suffered an injury or two while your brain was missing in action last month. Well, now it’s back and your mind is solid enough to no longer tolerate willfulness from others. Mercury goes direct on the 2nd, but it is at its strongest on the 1st. By the 6th, you can appreciate how amazing life can be with its miracles and revelations. The 10th could easily bring fun and romance to your mind and world. Try not to overdo either of those subjects on the 12th. This is a time for fun, so if it doesn’t bring you joy, don’t do it. By keeping your cool, the 22nd can be an amazing learning experience that can lift your mind to great heights. That makes it well worth altering the erratic part of your life. On the 25th, a door will open to a subconscious memory that has affected your entire lifetime. This can be a time to revisit that memory to make sure of the accuracy of it. If you control your impulses on the 26th, the month of October can have a happy ending, not a spooky one.

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