(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Cancer Astrological Forecast for September 2022

CANCER (6/22-7/22): With 5 outer planets retrograde, humanity is left to its own devices when it comes to events and circumstances this month. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) usually show parts of reality beyond our control. Now, they only ask that we look within for a higher meaning to life as we work with our karma and create our own fate this month. The first 3 weeks are Virgo, which helps us correct the minor flaws which hold us back in different ways. The final 10 days are Libra, which allows us to blend happily into society once we correct whatever prevents a full participation. We learn to live peacefully and within the laws of wherever we are. Those who can’t make the adjustment are subject to the Scales of Justice. Cancerians are very tuned-in this month to the feeling nature of being human. You are aware of creating your personal desires without having them fulfilled by fate as you look within to find the proper courses of action to change your world. It doesn’t have to be an ego thing to seek your personal betterment. By becoming a better person you complete part of your mission on this planet. God loves to see his creatures happy and successful. He hates wars when his love creations destroy one another. Like a child building a sand castle at the beach, we are saddened if it gets destroyed. So, the Moon Children feel and understand our sacred nature. This is a month to gain the wisdom of not harming others in any way. Build your castles in the sky or on the land. It’s that striving to live like a spirit while helping others to do likewise that guarantees a happy afterlife free from deep regrets. Remember the lesson of Libra is the way our karma has to achieve a balance in order to evolve. We chose this life and we work with what we have. We don’t need to curse the darkness when we can turn on a light. If anyone feels angry enough to do harm to others, they must realize the consequences while here on Earth and after that. The Full Moon on the 10th raises our personal values to the forefront of our minds. Be kind. Be nice. It’s not corny. It’s truly how our spirits want to be. The Libra New Moon on the 25th will assist you to know your core self and values. Only a misguided mind can lead us astray.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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