(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Scorpio Astrological Forecast for August 2022

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21): Pluto is retrograde all month, and into October, but Mars as your co-ruler keeps things exciting as you run on impulse power all month. The excitement starts early on the 1st of August with your partner acting out in a fit of nervous exuberation. Your best philosophy would be to let them express what they know, and just agree. That will make the next day a day of love and peace like the calm after the storm. Everyone has a need to express their personal feelings about this crazy World we live in. Just be sure to acknowledge their legitamacy with their emotional state. The World is a different place now than it used to be, so it’s better to adapt. Lamenting on how things used to be done won’t help. The 5th brings an example of this. Use your energies to tackle problems in a new and more evolved manner. The means to achieve your goals are no longer applicable to present day procedures. It can be interesting to imagine how things could be if we had chosen to take the other fork in the road, years ago. All we can do is work with where we are and what we have. The Full Moon on the 11th may have a tendency to bring you back to that other road you didn’t take. The path you are on can be a motivator to work harder to build what you have put off for too long. It’s not too late to change your life’s work, but that can be scary. Sometimes, our optimism can cloud our reality. While Pluto is retrograde, it is better to go with what you have. Big changes would work better after Pluto changes Signs next year in March. Dramatic changes will occur in our World at that time, and you can find a way to insert yourself into a different environment where your niche can be successful. All you need to do is to figure out what that “niche” is. The 14th can be a changing influence that can encourage you to plan for something to end. Without that impediment, you can cruise along toward a brighter day. The 20th tends to excite those impulses within you to make new starts. Just wait until after the first week of October, or you could fail. Your physical constitution will tend to be in a weakened state, which passes after this month. Any health problems will peak at month’s end, so save your strength for that time. Your medicine may have to be changed as your body changes. A simple adjustment on the 31st can miraculously make you better.

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