(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Aries Astrological Forecast for August 2022

ARIES (3/21-4/20): The month begins with an explosive energy as Mars aligns with Uranus. Sometimes, the Rams need to exhaust themselves with a great expenditure of their pent-up anger. Do it on the 1st. That clears the storm clouds from your brain and clears a path for progress in a peaceful way on the 2nd. Love messages have an open channel to your heart, as well. There could be a benefit to trying again on the 7th to overcome a swirling mass of confusion, which has discouraged you in the past month. By remaining detached from the distractions, you can lay your plans for the fall months. The Full Moon on the 11th brings inspiration from a mysterious place such as your subconscious mind. There is beauty and love galore that coats your soul like a covering of soft inspiration. Old lovers contact you on the 14th. It can be a healthy occurrence if you are hip to what they really want. The 20th will lighten your perspective as changes are focused on short trips and active communications. This will be a prelude to your work efforts, which moves you to get things done after the 22nd. Be sure to cover the details because an authority figure, such as your boss, could be quite critical of your oversights on the 27th. This could be a situation to deal with for the next 30 days. Your impulses are making it difficult to center yourself. Also, be sure to edit your words during this time. 

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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