(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Aries Astrological Forecast for June 2022

ARIES (3/21-4/20): Mars spends the entire month of June in your Aries Sign. There could be an unfinished building project that is drawing your attention. This can be the month to turn your energy to completing this delayed construction. You are able to work tirelessly and with great efficiency if you choose to go that way. You are also blessed by having Jupiter visit your Sign for the rest of this year and until mid-May of next year. There will be a 2 month period when Jupiter will move backwards into the Sign of Pisces. By the 20th of December it will return to Aries. This indicates that there will be an unfinished karmic lesson to clear up, but we can talk about that at the end of October. Meanwhile, enjoy the happiness and blessings that Jupiter brings. Even working on a karmic debt can be a blessing, once you get that cleared up. Just in time for Christmas. This placement of Jupiter will bring some spiritual realities to let you know that there is something more in the World than our petty concerns. Your life will be anything but petty. You will be dealing with challenges from your past and the present that are on a grand scale. You cannot lose as long as you understand these spiritual reminders. The New Moon from late last month is about securing your finances and building a feeling of strong self-worth. There is not a lot to distract you from this building project. The 27th becomes a time to celebrate the finishing of a nice addition to your World. After that, Jupiter will give you a sense of great happiness and pride. Jupiter gives you freedom, but it waits to see what you will do with that freedom. You could run wild and make irresponsible choices, or you could take on a cloak of wisdom as you have a chance to realize your personal purpose on this planet. Happiness and satisfaction are your rewards if you use this time to achieve responsible accomplishments.

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