(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for June 2022

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): You catch a bit of a break this month because Saturn will go retrograde in your Sign on the 4th. This means you are less restricted in your movements concerning your personal matters, but still slowed by Uranus in the Sign of Taurus. Uranus allows you to work slow and steady on your home chores. It’s like trying to walk around with a playful 3 year old clinging to your leg. It’s slow progress, but you can slog along with a smile if you can see the humor in it all. You are normally the most wired up person that anyone may meet, but you no longer bounce freely off the walls. A strong focus on your tasks can take away the fun, but you can celebrate the actual completion of matters at hand. The Universe seems to be slowing you down, and that probably allows other people to catch up to where you are. You are asked by stellar circumstances to deal with the physicallity of the world in a steady, productive way. You can’t open and throw a bucket of paint on a wall. You actually need to do your prep work and use a brush or roller. It’s so much easier to try a quicker, more ideal way, but this is a time to be real with all the physical requirements before you. Patience is required. Try that for a change. A new philosophy could emerge from all the mundane slow downs. This could be a good month to travel, but not if you’re running from chores at home. The 11th is a day of peace, love, and happiness in the midst of your aggravations. You have become more appreciative of the joy that comes from close contact with others. The desire for human touch becomes more of a necessity. This could mean a redefining of what friends are for. The Full Moon on the 14th lights your idealistic nature, but it also brings friends to help you find a mate. The New Moon on the 28th is a good time to begin a new diet regime, with the intention of healing your body where needed. We are what we eat. To be healthy, eat healthy. We think we can handle the chemical additives to our commercial foods, but those ingredients get stuck and build up in our tissues. See an herbalist/nutritionist to discuss your physical problems and they may be able to help you find natural dietary solutions. It’s amazing that different foods help with particular areas of our bodily health. Stop accumulating chemicals and you will feel better.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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