(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Virgo Astrological Forecast for March 2022

Virgo (8/23-9/22): In the astrological picture of our purpose and existence, we see the Big Bang of Aries, the formation of the Earth in Taurus, the emergence of an atmosphere in Gemini, and the creation of our oceans and streams from the watery Sign of Cancer. Now, man and lesser animals emerge in the Leo domain from all the elements needed for life. Virgo completes the table with the plant life to sustain man. But your Sign is not just about plants, such as wheat and barley, it’s also about the healthy aspects of greenery. It’s about the healing properties found in nature, which have been added to our diets to keep us healthy. Your Sign creates a sense of good health and the proper way to share that knowledge with each other. In the early 1900’s, this natural method of healing was replaced by allopathic medicine, which is like feeding plastic to a rabbit. It is the job of the Virgo element and people to be healthy in a natural way. Then we can truly have an idealism for society to evolve with laws and mutual concern for the welfare of all, which is shown by the next Sign of Libra. On the 2nd day of March, you feel a sense of responsibility which would fit your obligation to keep others healthy, but it also stirs your romantic urges, which is a healthy expression of living life. Your Ruling Planet, Mercury, is moving rapidly through 3 different Signs this month. Changes come quickly, which makes it hard to spend time analyzing all the details the way you like to do. Just hang on this month and have faith that you will be carried safely along to your planned destinations. The 9th becomes a time of social involvement and dealing with a partner. You only have to do this for 20 days until Mercury moves into Aries on the 27th. That will free you to act on your deeper emotional needs in your own unique manner. The 17th is a high energy time, but there are health related issues to work on as well. The 21st adds wisdom to your choices. The 23rd brings aesthetics to your surroundings. The 26th adds a deeper passion to your romantic life. Then, on the 27th, you get a break from tending to the needs of your partner. It’s time to do some self-nurturing though that still involves another who can benefit from your personal needs as well. There can be endings and new beginnings to make life meaningful. Be prepared to grasp a fast moving brass ring for the next couple of weeks. Think fast and act without hesitation. You can sort it all out later.

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