Aries Astrological Forecast for March 2022
ARIES (3/21-4/20): The Rams may feel like they have climbed to a mountain peak from which they are now free to fly like a hang glider. This feeling is strong on the 5th as Mars moves into Aquarius for about 6 weeks. This will be a time to gather all the info. you need to further your hopes and dreams. Your friends are important as the true friends can be found among those who actually provide a positive boost to your success. The month begins with an ending to an aggravation that may have been a distraction since the end of January. You have done all you can with a bad situation at work. If you have not resolved that problem, it may be time to put your efforts on a new approach. By changing your efforts near the 3rd, you will open a new pathway to bliss on the 6th. It’s time to soar on your wings of bliss to a new place to land. While in this place of soaring freely, there will come an inner awakening with the new Moon on the 2nd. Listen to the promptings from within your own subconscious. A special message or messages can come from your dreams, or while escaping the harsh reality of unexpected shifts of the winds that fill your sails or keep you aloft. The 22nd and days before can really give you a jolt of the unexpected. That seems to be related to a change of your work efforts from the full Moon’s influence on the 18th. It’s also a time to protect your health and avoid any hyped-up service schemes. Work can actually become a lot easier and more pleasant this month as you are more aligned with your particular ambitions. Love can be a great blessing, but you must try to allow it to flow freely without damming up the river that this love floats upon. Follow your hunches and all should go well despite having to deal with unexpected weirdness at times.
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