(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Libra Astrological Forecast for January 2022

LIBRA (9/23-10/22:

Venus as your Sign ruler is retrograde most of the month. Your Libra nature is very concerned about all types of relationships. Most of your normal living is done from an intellectual perspective. Only love, or the loss of someone close, can stir your emotions. You strive to keep a balance in your life, but when love isn’t functioning the way it should, it can really mess with your equillibrium.  So, as Venus is retrograde, it makes it hard to have a free-flowing and positive connection with your partner. You may find yourself in a soft chair with a good book for much of the month as your thoughts drift back to times of true love. That is a strong tendency on the 5th. A neptunian link gives an idealistic memory to your past love or loves. It’s always a foggy memory that deletes the bad parts. Reality steps up to the plate on the 8th as you are visited by a bright and shiny person who can help with some of your domestic issues. Uranus turns direct in your Solar 8th house on the 18th. That brings some unexpected attractions to your daily movements. You have been developing a curiosity toward the occult for a few years, and now that becomes obvious again with Uranus moving forward for the next 7 months. You may once again experience some interesting spiritual phenomena. Along with some weirdness from your admirers, your Scales will be hard to balance. There are issues at home to deal with and this month of retrograde Venus affects your homelife. There can be computer glitches or other electronic or electrical problems to deal with. Feng Shui would suggest a cure for the blues. That “cure” is to move and rearrange 21 objects in your house. This will break up any stagnant “sha” energy and get your life-wheel turning again. Try it and see. Whatever you can do to improve your already perfect home, will be the right focus for the month of January. I’ve heard there are herbs which can give you happiness too.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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