(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Capricorn Astrological Forecast for January 2022

CAPRICORN (12/21-1/19):

Capricorns, in general, have a stress-free January. That’s a nice gift to start the year off. There is a New Moon in your Sign to begin the year, as well. As an individual, you may still find times of stress. It all depends on your personal birth chart, which can be an indication that any difficulties are of your own doing. Don’t get depressed about it. Just a serious look at the problem can bring an easing to your mind. Whatever you can do to relax after a hard day of work, is most likely the right way to do it. Don’t damage your health, though. We all need ways to strengthen our immune systems. Then, to keep it strong, we need enough sleep, good nutrition from our food and drink choices, and exercise. We have legs, so we need to use them more. Stand up work desks are great. Our bodies haven’t evolved away from using our legs for the hunt or berry picking. Capricorn rules the knees, which is symbolic of our need to be more flexible with others. Knee injuries are an extreme reminder to quit being so stubborn. Your Sign is always able to begin new projects, but you may not surrender some of the old efforts, even if they never work. You prefer permanence, but not if it tears you down. With Saturn getting firmly settled into the sign of Aquarius, you will be exposed to new knowledge by the truckload. You must be wondering how long Saturn will be there. The answer appears to be until spring of 2023. It will briefly go retrograde, back into Capricorn, but that will be a quick check for anything that needs improving a little. That includes you, but that can be looked at better next year. Meantime, build yourself to code and use some of what you are learning to make progress.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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