(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Leo Astrological Forecast for November 2021


LEO (7/23-8/22): 

The days grow shorter and the Sun’s heat heats less. You find yourself at home or involved with domestic matters for the first 3 weeks of November. Then the fun kicks in. Before that time, there comes a new Moon in Scorpio. In many cases, this can be a heaviness, which goes against your nature. You may choose to stay home more because there is this dark energy to deal with. It seems like nature’s way to make you stay home and make things better there. It’s a time of year to shine your light into the darkness. You do that a lot already. Stay strong in order to deal with other people having a hard time being normal. This likelihood will build until the 19th with the full Moon. The 12th is a nice day that can restore your sense of beauty and/or love. A certain social attraction can keep things going all that weekend. Obviously, there can be some regret on the 15th from overdoing it. That will be a hard day dealing with the erratic and unexpected. The 16th can be a passion that would be a positive experience. The Lunar Eclipse on the 19th occurs at 2:00 am MST. That can be scary for patrons coming out of a bar at closing time. If you have a career, this eclipse will attract a change, loss, or ending to that area of your life. The Sun comes out from the clouds on the 21st as it moves into the sign of Sagittarius. You made it through 30 days of Scorpio, whew! The rest of the month fits your nature almost perfectly. Thanksgiving fits your idea of living in beauty. Be ready to occupy the spotlight that day. It’s never too bright for a Leo. An evening call or text on the 28th should be a positive thing. The 29th is jam packed with high energy and overloaded with communications. There could be a cooperative tendency with your friends on a planning of a building project as the month draws to a close. Let the good times roll!

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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