(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Leo Astrological Forecast for October 2021


LEO (7/23-8/22): 

The Sun turns down the heat after a summer of baking the Earth. It’s a time of ending the growing season and allowing nature to encapsulate it’s life force in a seed form. The same is true for animal life. Our seed form is our soul that leaves the body but carries with it all the essentials of never ending life. For the Leos in October, there is a New Moon on the 6th that brings life to your ideas. You begin to feel more talkative and communicative as a chill fills the nighttime. It seems only appropriate that as the Sun grows weaker, you would want to speak about the things you’ve learned this year. It’s ok to put on a show of pride. You always do it with great optimism and a touch of humor, so no one minds hearing you talk. The 6th adds a touch of nostalgia to the New Moon as a retrograde Uranus gets added to the blend. This could be perfect to have a 90’s party, or earlier. Written words are of interest this month as a long-sought Truth is brought to light. A myth is shattered, but none of this has to deter the Lions from their happy trails. The 8th is active and fun. Athletic events are likely to be an amazing sight and adventure fills your mind. Impulsiveness rules the day. The 9th has you thinking back as you plan for the future. The 13th is not so pretty unless you make it that way. The 15th is a highly fun day as Jupiter slows to a stop in the sky from our perspective in the Earth’s orbit. That should be a great happiness magnifier for the entire weekend. You may even see more smiles on your partner’s face. Try to remain aware of your words and actions because the 17th could bring the consequences. Generally, the joy continues in your life as the Full Moon on the 20th brings good fortune without effort on your part. Academic success is likely on this Moon. Travel is likely for some of the Lions and this would be a good time to do it. The energy shifts as the Scorpio month begins on the 23rd. The heaviness can drive you indoors, which is where you need to focus more of your energy for 30 days. The challenge is to not let this lead to depression when the Sun squares Saturn on the 30th. There is more negativity, but your light can disperse much of it.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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