(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Taurus Astrological Forecast for September 2021

TAURUS (4/20-5/20):


The Bulls may find that some parts of their pastures are greener than others. It’s also a good time to make hay while the Sun shines. The health is sparkling for most bovines. Medical practices seem to be treating the symptoms of any illnesses that you may be getting through. Your Sign is rooted in natural healing methods, but don’t jump on that boat until you reach the shore of current medical advice. The Earth itself is a Taurus. I believe that the Earth has natural ingredients that are part of God’s design to heal humans. The Earth also has ways of protecting itself from human destructiveness. Respect the Earth because it’s a lot bigger and tougher than we are. While the five outermost planets are retrograde all month, it can be a time of personal decisions that take us to many different realms. Some realms are too impulsive and some places we end up might be too dangerous. While Uranus is retrograde in your Sign, you may feel drawn to places that have been restricted to you. Mistakes can occur if you are not well versed on your new objectives. Romance seems like a good area. All you need is healthy love to complete your vitality-packed efforts. The 3rd requires some changes to your divine goals. The 5th puts you in touch with your deepest philosophical creeds. The 6th is a time to dream of far-away places, but there is work to be done at home. Friday the 17th makes work almost impossible to get done. It would be better to call in sick that day. Be prepared for hidden expenses on the 23rd. Check your receipts carefully. Romance can be tricky without a free flowing discussion of annoyances. An old fashioned approach to romance works for you on the 29th, but don’t lay it on too thick. Work on your health this month while there are some questions about vaccines and their long-term effectiveness. After the 10th, you will need to give your partner more attention. It will take an open heart and mind to survive a rough relationship.


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