(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Scorpio Astrological Forecast for August 2021

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21): 

Your energy is best used to work on your dream goals. Sometimes the heart can be into a project, but the brain may not feel up to it. There might be a name for that, but whatever it’s called it does present a challenge to our willpower. The mighty force generated by Pluto as a planetoid will always keep it highly regarded in chart analysis and interpretations. While Pluto stays retrograde all month, you can rely on Mars as a co-ruler of your Sign. You can be carried into all the realms of life you prefer by the fiery nature of Mars. You start August with gusto. You are able to tackle the hard work before you. Surprisingly, there can be certain “data” that comes your way, which adds to your workload to start your week on the 9th. You have Mars to help you get it done. The 11th is a much better day, after hours. A friend brings love to ease your mind. Dealing with authority can be a pain on the 17th. Drive a little slower that morning. The 26th contains an energy cell to envelope you in a dual sided blessing. You have a choice between a persevering work ability, or taking a drive to get some nature-time. Either activity will make your life better. Maybe work hard that morning, and do the nature thing in the afternoon. Just a suggestion; I know better than to tell a Scorpio what to do. lol.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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