(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Pisces Astrological Forecast for July 2021

PISCES (2/19-3/20):

July is usually a nice energy. Crabs and Fish are compatible. It can be beautifully romantic or just blissful unless your personal chart indicates otherwise. Friends are around too, and that may be your preference at this time. Emotions could get stirred by misunderstandings. Words are critical on the 6th. The 8th/9th begins the romantic season for the Pisceans as the New Moon places a focus on your House of Love and Creativity. Children also play more of a role in your life. Life feels less than ideal on the 13th for everybody. The passing of a star and a loss at sea set the tone for a sad day. People who die will sadly become part of the past. The 15th arrives with happier circumstances even if there is a cost. More personal concerns bring changes on the 16th-18th. The Full Moon lights the Fish as they swim close to home. It can be a quiet gathering of friends that seems to fit your mood the best. You may feel more inclined to isolate, once more as the 28th approaches. On that day, Jupiter leaves your Sign, taking you away from the limelight and into a more reclusive mode. It is very likely that your greatest happiness can be found in these times of withdrawal from the World. This time there could be someone to isolate with. You have found a wholistically way to be reclusive, while maintaining your sanity. Jupiter takes you back to your subconscious meanderings where you love to play, naturally. That lasts the rest of the year, but be preparing for an amazing 2022. 


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