Pisces Astrological Forecast for May 2021
PISCES (2/19-3/20):
Your adventures in the realm of the psychic world have been enhanced by your co-ruler, Jupiter, passing through your 12th House for several months. The 13th is a time when Jupiter steps boldly into your life by moving into the Pisces Sign. It can be a time of great intuitive knowing. It brings forth what it has gathered while in your subconscious. It’s like an ore cart bringing gold from deep in a mine. Jupiter will eventually return to that mine to load more golden substance for a future time. For now, life is not so bad. Romance finds its way into your mind and your life to start the month of May. That is a blossoming attraction that will grow to a bright and positive thing of beauty by the 13th. The whole World is under the spell of these aspects, but you are the queen of love and happiness as you lead the pack with a special glow. Care must be taken in your travels on the 21st-23rd. Mind-altered people may not be driving so great. Then, be careful with your words and keep a pleasant energy in your home to avoid some possible conflicts with your new love. For those Fish who have chosen creativity over the fear of love, the 27th is not a good day for art. The day before that and that day, are best to just do the mundane chores and stay home. The month ends with an energy boost as you aggressively apply that to taking care of business at home and outside the home. This is a time for putting energy into sports and love. Leisurely pursuits are needed to recharge your batteries. You will still have energy to take care of the home environment. Be careful in your subconscious meandering. Things can get foggy. Stay alert to your surroundings while your ore cart is being loaded. The only pothole in your lane of bliss occurs from the erratic energy created by the Full Moon Eclipse on the 26th. This squares your Sign and can damage your career and reputation. You may even decide to change jobs with this Lunar Eclipse. At the extreme, this eclipse can cause a problem for either parent, if living. May is mostly a happy month. Enjoy that.
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