(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Sagittarius Astrological Forecast for January 2021

SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/20): Beautiful Jupiter is your ruling planet, which adds beauty to your face and happiness to your soul. You are made to be independent under Jupiter’s influence. Your Sign’s name implies Sagacity, or wisdom. If your Jupiter is badly aspected at birth, then these attributes are a constant struggle to attain, but attain them you will. As Jupiter moves into Aquarius for the year, your mind opens to show your faith and optimism for a grand future. Short trips can bring happier surroundings to keep you in that positive state. There is no need to sugar-coat your Truth. Just remember that many people can’t handle the truth as we learned in a movie, once. The Archer Clan is quite familiar with opposition from the less educated, ill-informed, and brainwashed. No one can deny your Truth on the 11th, so spout it out, but check your sources first. There can be some problem with electronics at work on the 17th. Just in case, you can be prepared with a back-up system. The 17th is a Sunday, so this could apply to weird health concerns, instead. A simple x-ray could resolve any worries. Mars forms a square to Uranus on the 22nd. The 2 days before that and a day or 2 afterwards are accident prone. Be very cautious in your movements. This time frame can also be bad days for romance. Tempers can flare. Anger is in the air as Joe Biden slides into the driver’s seat at the Oval Office. His predecessor has tried to stir an uprising of the brainless, so watch for small acts of hatred to be going on during that same time frame. Fortunately, the light of justice will shine through the darkness with the Full Moon of the 28th. Knowledge cannot dispel all ignorance, but in time it will steamroll the walking dead into the ground. The ungrounded are more likely to end up under the ground. Some will form an underground, but it is likely to be no more of a threat than a tree house full of juvenile mischief makers. Somehow, you will be able to keep a positive outlook during this very challenging month for us all. 


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Scorpio Astrological Forecast for January 2021

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21): It could be a good month to stay calm by peaceful meditations and candle-lit baths. Your intense nature will become very explosive by month’s end as opposing viewpoints seem to easily push your buttons. There is a strong emphasis on your relationships, which could be the place of greatest aggravation for you. Okay, here’s the deal. You are about to be tested by a society filled with ideals that are contrary to your own. October Scorpions are the first to experience a conflict with reality this month. During the year 2021, all the Stingers will have that stinger at the ready. You may feel the solid “structures” of support that you have always relied upon have turned to sand under your “house”. The Universe is prompting you to build a different kind of house that can accommodate a changing society. The Universe will treat you kindly if you stay disciplined to make those changes. As I said, this applies mostly to the October birthday Scorpions. November Scorps: you will get yours later in the year. It places a heavy focus on your actual home or living quarters. Alterations and repairs become obvious needs. Some of your Sign will have new homes to set up and organize. It’s also a good year to be close to yourself. In other words, your core self and life requirements will be spewing up and bubbling like Yellowstone Park. There will be good advice from a friend early in the month. Their idea may be better than your own. So, despite the nervous energy being stirred up this month, there is an angel of mercy bringing love by the Full Moon light of the 28th. If you have been doing your relaxation practices, you will be able to remain calm and not drive away a meaningful encounter at that time. The Universe (or whoever you believe) is shoring you up to make you a stronger “building”. Suffering builds character, but this is only a frustrating and aggravating time instead of a great pain. You have control of your intensity output, which can be targeted to make those little transformations you will need this year.



Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Libra Astrological Forecast for January 2021

LIBRA (9/23-10/22: It may seem like you are stuck at home for the first 3 weeks, but after that you will be out and about to bolster your income. For now, the home is the best place to be. You may want to make some design changes this month. The energy is right for that all month. Life tends to shift for you on the 8th. You are ready to knock down some walls at home, if necessary. Someone may need to take away your sledge hammer on the 9th as you are ready to rip into whatever is bugging you, that day. The 13th brings some very valuable information your way. This could be knowledge you will need to have. Your passions are easily stirred on the same day. Let’s hope certain people won’t take advantage of that information. If you are in a relationship, your union will be enhanced this month. Your spouse, or equivalent, will gain financially and share it with you, as expected. If you are single and available, you are likely to be lost in a sea of love that was created by the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction last month in your Solar house of romance. There is a definite urge to merge going on all month. This need seems to build to the Full Moon on the 28th. With Venus conjoining Pluto that day also, you may want to surrender with the only question being, “your place or mine?”. It’s all very romantic despite this animalistic energy swirling around you. You are also undergoing a transformation this month. It’s a great month for any elective surgery to help you make that transformation. Or try a new sport. 


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Virgo Astrological Forecast for January 2021

Virgo (8/23-9/22): Virgos are the busy beavers in the river of life. Your adaptability makes it easy to go along with the flow. Yet, your practical, but fearful side is never secure in your security. So, you build your dams to have that assurance. Sometimes, you let lots of water flow by as you work away on your goals. A healthy beaver takes time to dive in and frolic in the stream, prn. The waters are deep and mysterious on the 1st and 4th. There is serious planning afoot. You may be finishing up your business interests and personal projects the first week, and then, Mercury moves into Aquarius on the 8th where the unexpected and general weirdness around you can be a bit unsettling. Don’t let this erratic change upset you into thrashing out at an annoyance. The annoyance would be asking for trouble. Let logic prevail as it does on the 9th. That’s also a good day to clarify any miscommunications. As Mercury orbits along, it has reached a significant spot in the fabric of space. Here on the 9th, it passes over the conjunction degree of last month’s Jupiter/Saturn alignment with Earth. A pointed judgement was made toward what is going on here. We gotta start actin’ right. We all seem to know that. The Universe has brought the cure, but we still endure, and just to be sure, we strive to be pure. The 11th is great to see a friend for a few laughs. The 12th warns to not share too much of what you know because it can backfire on you. In other words, no gossip that day. You are always busy enough, but try to finish up whatever needs finishing up before your planet turns retrograde on the 30th. You can do the details on your work during the next 3 weeks of very slow progress. 




Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Leo Astrological Forecast for January 2021


Leo (7/23-8/22): January is not the average Leo’s cup of tea. The athletic Lions love a chance to hit the slopes, or find other outdoor activities. There’s also romance on the menu, though dating isn’t that great if you have to be 6 feet apart. Yet, the weekend of the 8th can be very compelling as to romantic urges. You could even get within 2 feet of your date. The 9th is a day meant for close encounters of the personal kind as Venus and Mars harmonize in the sky. If you prefer, there should be some great games to watch that day. There is a deep intensity that goes with the New Moon’s serious focus on the night of the 12th. Great changes will ensue for the next 30 days. Long held standards of practice in our country will be dragged out into the open and put under a microscope for all to see. As detrimental practices are corrected, you will be happy to see our light on the hill flicker back to shine for all to see again. Back to Leo standards. On a personal level, you may experience an ending to some type of relationship on the 14th. There may be a change in you from this occurrence. At any rate, you will be in touch with some very deep emotional issues that day. The 23rd is the time to lay new foundations for the next year. You may try new pursuits online, which could prove lucrative in the future. The 26th makes relationships at work, a little contentious. You can expect computer glitches that day as well. Try to shovel that mess aside and prepare for abundant joy on the Full Moon of the 28th. A great ceremony is part of this exuberant national happiness. Partnerships can be mended, or new ones blossom for the Lions. Your bright glow could cause snow blindness to others. You may have to throttle back a little. Enjoy your long deserved fulfillment with others and another. 





Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You