Taurus Astrological Forecast for February 2021
TAURUS (4/20-5/20): Our country is filled with new changes and this month starts with a shift in your work environment as Venus moves into Aquarius. You are leaving behind a safe and predictable lifestyle, as things around you become more exciting, but less predictable. It should be an energizing time, which makes it perfect for accomplishments on the 6th if you can deal with a radical issue that day. Assuming you conquer over any obstacle, that day, you will find a nice perk to your reputation and life work on the 11th. That should provide a nice boost to start the “Year of the Ox” with the New Moon that day. There is a lot of emphasis being poured into your career this month, so grab the brass rings as you ride merrily along. You might even feel like buying flowers for your career on Valentine’s Day. Be careful on the 19th as accidents can cause injury to your neck. The Bulls have strong necks, naturally, but be careful, anyway. The other possibility is a sore throat. Be tactful in your relationships, also. Venus moves into the Sign of Pisces on the 25th. That will add a calmness and much of the aesthetic beauty that Taureans crave. The final 10 days are uneventful, but that can be a nice chance to catch your breath.
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