(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Virgo Astrological Forecast for January 2021

Virgo (8/23-9/22): Virgos are the busy beavers in the river of life. Your adaptability makes it easy to go along with the flow. Yet, your practical, but fearful side is never secure in your security. So, you build your dams to have that assurance. Sometimes, you let lots of water flow by as you work away on your goals. A healthy beaver takes time to dive in and frolic in the stream, prn. The waters are deep and mysterious on the 1st and 4th. There is serious planning afoot. You may be finishing up your business interests and personal projects the first week, and then, Mercury moves into Aquarius on the 8th where the unexpected and general weirdness around you can be a bit unsettling. Don’t let this erratic change upset you into thrashing out at an annoyance. The annoyance would be asking for trouble. Let logic prevail as it does on the 9th. That’s also a good day to clarify any miscommunications. As Mercury orbits along, it has reached a significant spot in the fabric of space. Here on the 9th, it passes over the conjunction degree of last month’s Jupiter/Saturn alignment with Earth. A pointed judgement was made toward what is going on here. We gotta start actin’ right. We all seem to know that. The Universe has brought the cure, but we still endure, and just to be sure, we strive to be pure. The 11th is great to see a friend for a few laughs. The 12th warns to not share too much of what you know because it can backfire on you. In other words, no gossip that day. You are always busy enough, but try to finish up whatever needs finishing up before your planet turns retrograde on the 30th. You can do the details on your work during the next 3 weeks of very slow progress. 




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