(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Sagittarius Astrological Forecast for November 2020

SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/20): Jupiter, your Sign Ruler, moves along its fateful pathway as it closes in on Pluto during the election. Though not exact until 11/12/20, but it is strongly in effect as Truth triumphs over lies and underhanded tactics. Then your mind fills with further action you would like to see, or participate in. When your planet moves into a conjunction with Saturn, on the first  day of winter, You will see the 20 year cycle of these two planets as the old is replaced by the new on many levels besides just politics. You have dealt with some dark forces, this year, and now that change is underway, you can become part of the solutions as new “structures” arise. But first, there is this one final battle to get past as you confront the monster in your life, and emerge victorious over a monster filled with the arrows of your truth. This should climax on the 12th, or sooner. Then, you can begin to prepare for some changes that arrive with winter. A whispered Truth can be stronger than a loud untruth. The 14th can be a good day to get away, and just hide somewhere out in nature for a few hours. Friends are a blessing, but sometimes they can be a pain. The 16th can be an example of their worst side. This month of November is excellent for exploring your subconscious wonderland. Mercury and Venus will both be passing  through your Solar 12th house. They promise to find hidden treasure as they peruse the mystical realms of your mind. We all have a lot to gain by what hidden gems we can find there. This is a good time to manifest your desires on any level. Just focus on what you need as if it has already happened, and give thanks to our abundant Universe, or God, if you prefer. To me, the Universe is God’s brain, and we are but a passing thought. Yet, we choose how we want to live and believe. We make our long-range plans, and God laughs. Astrology is one way he talks to us. On the 28th, you will gain greatly by meditating or by just paying attention to your subconscious promptings. The message tends to repeat itself through funny little coincidences around that time. Your psychic abilities will be at a peak for a few days around the 28th. You are in control of any major changes to your physical well being. You may need to throttle your risk taking tendencies as you want to charge forth with your bow string drawn back.


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