(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Gemini Astrological Forecast for November 2020

GEMINI (5/21-6/21): Communications haven’t gone well for the Twins. You tend to say the wrong thing and it’s hard to find the right word. In this case, Mercury is the culprit while in its retrograde phase for 3 weeks. Words of love are hard to express, so romances seem to dissolve. Legal distractions may have disrupted the flow. Now, there is a chance to mend fences unless you have earned a label that sticks to you like a tattoo. Rumors and character judgements can accumulate, but that doesn’t allow for your changeable nature to change to a better person. The problem is making it believable. So, your bygone paramour is more likely to listen after the 3rd. The 6th could be a challenge to your sense of responsibility. You could spend 4 days just railing against an established principle. On the 10th, Mercury moves into Scorpio. This can make you a bitterly stubborn person, or the other you may become surprisingly conciliatory. Things just go from bad to worse, this month. Your moodiness becomes almost threatening on the 17th as you attempt to stuff a cork in your volcanistic anger build-up. The facts cannot be disputed as hidden matters rise to the surface like a foul gas before the eruption. Your anger must be altered to a more pleasant state on the 22nd. The 23rd is great to go hide out in your favorite fantasy escape. Be careful during this altered mind-state. So, this great illusionary world could be just the medicine you needed because amazing things happen throughout the final 4 days of November. You will need to roll up your sleeves to take full advantage of your cosmic gifts.


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