Aquarius Astrological Forecast for October 2020
AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): Confusion is part of the Full Moon’s effect on you to start the month. And yet, confusion can be a great opportunity to learn about human behavior, which is always what you are about. The 2nd requires that you make a few changes in your life to fit the real you. It may be better to adjust your plans instead of neglecting a close associate. Uranus is retrograde all month. It becomes hard to wait for progress to return, but in some ways it can be a break from the strain of Uranus moving forward in Taurus. It’s a time to rest from the struggles and replace them with snuggles. The 7th brings some traffic troubles along with mysterious issues at work, even if your work is as a stay at home worker. Mentally, you will be sharp enough to solve any problems. The planets align on the 10th to bring romance to your Solar House of “Coochy Coo”. Perfect beauty is hard to resist. Mostly, October is a month of waiting for the wheels to start turning again so you can keep up with the fun and expenses. Halloween could have been perfect with a Full Moon to light the night. However, the chart for the full Moon says that health should be our primary concern. That takes all the joy out of our pagan spoofing. Halloween was getting too scary on a reality level, anyway. It can easily be another month before we can freely express our energetic individualities. The 1st and 2nd day of winter are the safest and most effective to begin vaccinating those with weak immune systems. That includes almost anyone who takes allopathic medicines, frequently. Some bodily functions should not be weakened by artificial substitutes, which is what can happen to the immune system. If nothing else will work as a cure, then it’s ok to treat the symptoms, only. Hopefully, there will be a lot to gain from your withdrawal from the World, this month. It looks like puppets and parlor games for the fall. There is plenty of room to fill your knowledge banks, too.
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