(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Scorpio Astrological Forecast for September 2020

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21): This is a time of year to go outside to play with your friends. This will give you the balance you need as you also spend time planning and achieving a few goals. Your intuitive abilities are heightened by Pluto being retrograde in your Solar 3rd house. Normally, you are a person of deep emotions, but now dynamic Pluto is in touch with secret thoughts you keep chained up where they can never get out. You are prone to certain types of health problems for a few months to come. Fevers and nasal infections can be avoided by cutting back on the 4 white foods: milk, sugar, white flour, and salt. Just moderate if you can’t cold turkey for a while. There could be areas of your life that you haven’t finished exploring. With both Mars and Pluto retrograde, this month will make it possible to tie up loose ends and revisit places you once  loved. You will still have time and energy to repair any dysfunctions at home. After Mars officially turns retrograde, on the 9th, you will need a physical outlet for your energy to keep it from eating you up inside. An accomplished gentleman crosses your path on the 14th. I’m not sure that helps you other than it being part of a nice day for you. Your normally accurate intuition is not sharply tuned into the Universe on the 21st. Communication breakdowns are human caused as words can be misinterpreted that day. Mercury will get to your Sign on the 27th. A sexy message can ensue, just the kind you like. Hopefully, from the right person. Pluto has been in Capricorn since November of 2008. That was a time of some big changes for most Scorpions. Life became more serious as you contracted into a small nuclear device. But you began to build a stronger and more secure future, if you were able to handle the added burden. Another change is coming soon as Pluto prepares to leave Capricorn and move into Aquarius. Make sure you have a sanctuary during the wild and crazy times, ahead. Progress with your work and projects is more likely after mid-November, but a natural health solution can be found before then.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Libra Astrological Forecast for September 2020

LIBRA (9/23-10/22:  September brings the fall equinox at 7:31a.m. on 9/22/20. Here in the MDT it creates a beautiful sunrise with the promise of fairness and proof of Truth. It is meant as a time of harmonizing with others so we can feel safe all winter in our caverns. At the same time, it can create opposition as an attempt to tip the balance to one’s own favor. Politics can add mud to the scales, and the measure of Truth can appear wrong or weak, by dirty tactics. There is a certain element of divinity to this election. It will be hard to imagine that Truth and Justice could be defeated by distorting the facts and bending the law to a breaking point. These points are about the meaning of your Sign. Most of your aggravations this month, are memories of bygone events and sudden shocks. The 2nd is good to think back over your parental messages. Mars stirs up romantic horrors on the 4th. That piece of reality actually can occur in your outer world. For some Librans, this aspect can mark a new phase in a current relationship. Friends can cause disruptions on the 15th. There can be damage to electronics unless cautious. The final week of September will require a lot of compromise. The 28th is a good day to actively release any embedded stress. The month somehow gets back to a happy place as it draws to a close.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Virgo Astrological Forecast for September 2020

Virgo (8/23-9/22): Health concerns are always on the Virgo mind. That doesn’t mean they always follow strict diet guidelines. There has to be flexibility in everything and everybody to fit the needs of Virgo. Work is the only area of discipline where you can accept strict parameters. During the Virgo part of September, you are most likely to display your true nature. With your birthday, you feel that the world is the way you like it to be. As the month opens, you have fond memories of how things used to be. You long for landmarks that no longer exist, as the 3rd/4th unfolds. The 4th brings out your sense of beauty and romance. It’s a change that doesn’t occur often. It can be as shocking to others as seeing your librarian in a bikini. Not that you dress like a librarian, no, Virgos are very stylish with their style. Mercury leads you into higher studies, left uncompleted in years of yore, when it aligns with Uranus on the 12th. It can also be a day of reconnecting with longtime friends. Avoid all liquids on the 18th…or at least be careful with fluids. There are the old words of wisdom: “It’s better to sit quietly among others and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”. This wisdom applies from the 20th-24th. Otherwise, your logic and common sense offer the best solution to any problem. I think we need to clone more Virgos to keep things right. Hopefully, your advice will be heeded when we start to restore our world, again. We can expect 90% normalcy with 10% oddity, and rising oceans.




Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Leo Astrological Forecast for September 2020


Leo (7/23-8/22): Your light still shines through our darkest of days. Even if you were only a glow stick, you would shine with all your might. You are able to come through to save the day on the 2nd. You are in a good position to lend a hand to a friend. The 9th could bring happiness from the past. This day has a tremendous power for good. Some Lions receive honors for past heroics. It is interesting how all of us are dealing with people from our pasts. Several of these long-ago friends appear like ducklings in the water (one after another) from the 10th-19th. Their batteries have run low and they need a charge from your solar powered personality. The 11th brings some financial confusion. Guard against thieves that day. A partner gets into a dark mood on the 14th. Shine your light beam on them. The 17th is a New Moon in your Solar 2nd House. This can indicate an addition to your finances, and 30 days of earning potential. Practicality could be missing as you want to bust out and blow some cash on the good times! Make sure everything is in balance on the 19th before you begin to prowl. Your cat-like grace can falter at times when you have your “Lucy” moments. As the first day of fall begins on the morning of the 22nd, your load begins to lighten, and your mind is filled with bliss. Keep your mask on just to hide your grin. As the season to partner-up for winter begins, you are lost in thoughts of love and beauty. Libra is a time for many things, but for you it is a peaceful time to reflect on what the summer has brought, or wrought. It can be a good time for short trips and social visits. There is a yearning to converse, face to face, with others. Do it! (safely, of course). Basically, depending on your personal chart, the final 10 days of September is a time to float, whether on a raft, or in your mind. Keep your eyes on the road and your headlights on when darkness falls.





Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Cancer Astrological Forecast for September 2020


CANCER (6/22-7/22): The Sun entered your 3rd house, last month on the 22nd. It gets you moving. Your mind switches from frivolity to responsibility, and that’s where you are as the month of September begins.   The Full Moon falls in the Sign of Pisces on the 2nd. This can be a good time to be of a pious mindset. You also have your memory banks open to dole out answers to problems for yourself and others. You have an urge to travel, but we have been allowed to become such American Covid bearers that only a few countries want our tourist money. There can be a still, small voice that comes from a place beyond your own mind. It’s a wealth of information if you can decipher it, and heed the warnings. Florida can be a nice state to visit, this month, after the hurricanes pass. Otherwise, a nice lake or river can be like an oasis to recharge your emotional batteries. Your pockets will jingle with spending cash. This is a good month to buy a new, or different, form of transportation. The 16th/17th is the best time for such an investment. That is also the best time to tie up any loose ends from a multitude of unfinished projects. Then, you can relax as you prepare your home for the coming winter. Home is the best place to be during the Libra month, which starts on the 22nd and goes for 30 days. The Moon Children need to feel cozy when it’s cold outside, so the 30 days period of Libra is the best time to guarantee that you will have that. Some big changes are coming for 2021 after the big conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the first day of winter. This 20 year occurrence happens in Aquarius, which is your Solar 8th house. A new beginning follows the loss of a hindrance to your progress, at that time. This conjunction used to reflect the death of a president if he was elected in the year of the conjunction. This time it won’t fall in an earth Sign, so no one will physically die…it is likely to cause a nerve condition, like Alzhiemers. I think it could mean that Joe Biden will serve only one term as our country’s leader. Yes, this aspect shows a new leader for us, this election, and the next one. For the Crab Clan, it just means a better emotional condition where you reside. Just a note: Yes, George Bush was the last president elected during an Earth Sign conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. That’s another story. Was he actually killed by a hand grenade tossed by a Russian soldier during a ceremony in Russia? The incident was said to have been foiled when the grenade failed to go off. What are the odds on that? Did his double serve out his term? We may never know, but there may be reasons to think this way. I’ll write a full article, next month. Don’t laugh before you hear me out.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You