(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Sagittarius Astrological Forecast for September 2020

SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/20): Look! Up in the Sky! It’s Super-planet, Jupiter, about to turn forward, bringing truth and justice and the American way, back into focus. Your retrograde time has denied the World your full happiness, your absoluteness about Justice, your social ceremonies and group closeness, and especially your Truth. All have been missing since the middle of May. Even now, as Jupiter steps back up to the Cosmic microphone, there are great grievances and corruption to strangle our Democracy. The 12th is a day to draw back the curtains to let the light of Truth and Growth shine into the darkness. The Sagittarians can play a pivotal role at this time. You will be in the company of great people of influence on the 9th. If you play your cards right, you can be in a great position to take home the prize. After Jupiter begins to slowly pick up speed across the background of space, it brings to you a time of non-interference to your sense of freedom. The month plays out like an exhausted swimmer on the beach. You made it to safety. Lying face down in the wet sand never felt better. Rising to your feet, brings an urgent sense to make a few things right, that have gone wrong, since May. There is one big wrong you now must chase down. Something has eluded you for too long. Now, you have it in your sights. Your quiver is full, and your steed with nostrils flaring carries you to a confrontation with evil. The battle is fought during our elections. Hopefully, your cause is seen as the obvious right cause for the people. On more mundane levels, happiness returns, or gets amplified, all around you.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


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